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JALHE 2020 : Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education


When Jan 1, 2020 - May 20, 2020
Where Missouri Western State University
Submission Deadline May 20, 2020
Categories    education   philosophy   applied learning

Call For Papers

The Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education (JALHE) seeks original contributions on the theme of Philosophical and Theoretical Concepts of Applied Learning for Volume 9.

Issue Theme

Over recent decades, education has undergone a number of significant changes. Among these, there is increased interest in ensuring that students not only passively acquire knowledge, but also, and perhaps more significantly, critically reflect upon and apply knowledge within a given learning environment. This has led to the concept of applied learning, a notion that incorporates a diverse set of pedagogical activities that includes (non-exhaustively) cooperative learning, service learning, community-based learning, and other activities. Although the applied learning designation no doubt serves to highlight features relevant to these activities, there is nonetheless some uncertainty regarding the way in which these diverse practices altogether “fit” beneath a single or common concept of applied learning.

A number of questions might here be raised: What is applied learning? Does it make sense to speak of applied learning(s) in the singular or in the plural? In what way are applied learning activities distinct from other kinds of (e.g., non-applied) learning activities? What is the purpose or goal of applied learning? What are the advantages and/or disadvantages (pedagogically, institutionally, professionally, etc.) of employing applied learning activities within an educational environment? And so on.

The above examples represent a finite set of questions that might be raised in examination of the concept of applied learning. Other questions and lines of inquiry may well be added. JALHE welcomes submissions that explore the above questions as well as other issues that might contribute to the development of the concept of applied learning. Additionally, all submissions that may address an applied learning activity, community engagement or other research are welcomed. Those papers presented at our annual conference are encouraged to submit.

Deadlines | Submission Guidelines

Deadline for all submissions: May 10, 2020

All submissions should be sent to in .doc or .docx format.
For questions regarding your submission, please contact the guest editor, Dr. Jason Costanzo at

Manuscripts / article submissions. Manuscripts of up to 6000 words (excluding tables, figures, and references from the word count) should be submitted via email to Missouri Western State University, at the following. Manuscripts should be submitted as a single Microsoft Word document with in text citations and references in accordance with the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.

Book reviews or review of applied educational media/materials: Book reviews and reviews of applied learning educational media/materials are also accepted and should be limited to 1,500 words or less and should include the following: (1) A summary of the content of the book/applied educational media/materials; (2) Place the book within the broader context of applied learning, and (3) Evaluate and recommend the book for its utility for applied learning scholars. Authors interested in writing book reviews or reviews of applied educational media/materials should also submit their manuscripts as a single Microsoft Word document with in text citations and references in accordance with the APA Publication Manual, 6th edition.

Journal Note: The Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education (JALHE) is an international and interdisciplinary journal serving the community of scholars engaged in applied learning at institutions of higher education. Its purpose is to advance scholarship on applied learning by providing an outlet for empirical, interpretive, historical and theoretical work related to this pedagogical practice. All papers submitted to JALHE undergo a rigorous peer review process, beginning with an initial screening by the editor prior to an anonymous review by at least two independent reviewers. The editor will convey a final decision to the author(s), along with constructive feedback from the two reviewers. All manuscripts are cataloged in the ERIC database after publication located at

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