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Philosophy & Practice of Human Education 2024 : CRITICAL HERMENEUTICS, vol. 8. PHILOSOPHY & PRACTICE OF HUMAN EDUCATION


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline May 1, 2024
Categories    philosophy of education   philosophy of social sciences   pedagogy   psychology

Call For Papers



Guest Editors: Furio Pesci (Sapienza University of Rome), Jason Goulah (DePaul University, Chicago), Giulia Pellizzato (Harvard University), Vinicio Busacchi (University of Cagliari)

Deadline (full paper): May 1st, 2024

The interest of philosophy in questions related to education remains high. Indeed, in recent times it has found reason for further strengthening; and not only for the notable development of innovative technologies and diffusion of “technological culture”. The continuous transformation of society (in its political-cultural orientations, in its new working needs, in its changes in value and sensitivity) influences and pushes educational institutions to innovate and adapt. This does not necessarily have positive repercussions in terms of development and improvement of educational models and/or immediate responses in terms of change and improvement of the means and places where education is given.

New problems and needs arise and require a type of research, reflection and action that calls for very different disciplines to work at an interdisciplinary level: pedagogy, philosophy, sociology, psychology, neurology, linguistics, computer science and others. Old and new educational models and educational philosophies are called to rethink their characteristics and foundations, the contribution they can offer today in response to new needs and critical issues.

A vision of the educational function that accentuates the purpose of a professional training of the student and the young person, i.e. the issue of their “job placement” in adulthood, seems to be increasingly gaining ground. We move away from ideas – such as John Dewey and Maria Montessori’s ideas (among others) – which have focused holistically on the education of the child, with attention to encouraging the maturation of their moral and social, civic and cultural, even spiritual or psychological skills.

This issue of Critical Hermeneutics aims to invite scholars to analyze and consider different educational models – old and new models, focused on practical-operational skills and/or critical knowledge and capabilities, and/or the person as a whole etc. – in reference to the innovations, changes, critical issues and new challenges that society and education present today. We want to pay particular attention to new educational philosophies and perspectives that aim to (re)center the education of all individuals across the age span in a holistic and fully human sense.


Aa.Vv., L’educazione umanistica interculturale nelle agenzie educative, ed. by L. Secco, A. Portera, Padova: Cedam 1999.

Baldi, E. Con Montessori e oltre, Roma: Tab edizioni 2021-2023, 3 voll.

Garrison, J. John Dewey’s Philosophy of Education: An Introduction and Recontextualization for Our Times with Stefan Neubert and Kersten Reich, New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012.

Garrison, J, Hickman, L. Ikeda, D. Living as Learning: John Dewey in the 21st Century, Cambridge (MA): Dialogue Path Press, 2014.

Guilherme A., Lewin D., White M., New Perspectives in Philosophy of Education. Ethics, Politics and Religion, London: Bloomsbury Publishing 2014.

Ikeda, D., The Light of Learning: Selected Writings on Education, Santa Monica (CA): Middleway Press 2021.

Isaacs B., Understanding the Montessori Approach: Early years education in practice, London - New York: Routledge, 2012.

Makiguchi T., Makiguchi Tsunesaburō zenshū [The complete works of Makiguchi Tsunesaburō]. Tokyo: Daisan Bunmeisha, 1981-1996, 10 vols.

Nuñez I., Goulah J., Hope and Joy in Education: Engaging Daisaku Ikeda Across Curriculum and Context, New York: Teachers College Press 2021.

Pesci F., Globalizzazione ed educazione. Per una comprensione pedagogica della crisi contemporanea, Roma: Armando 2014.

Pesci F., Storia delle idee pedagogiche. Milano: Mondadori 2015.

Secco L., La dinamica umana della realtà educativa: dall’educabilità all’educazione, ed. by S. Peretti, Roma: Tab edizioni 2022, 8 vols.


Author Guidelines
Authors are invited to follow the Author Guidelines in preparing the manuscript for submission. If necessary, the editors will exercise the right to alter/modify manuscripts in accordance with the stylistic and formal lines of the journal.

Submission of papers to Critical Hermeneutics is taken to imply that the manuscript is not under consideration by other journals, and that it is not a published work.

This Journal follows a double-blind refereeing process for each submission. The reviewers' evaluations determine whether a paper will be accepted or rejected in accordance with four criteria: 1) Excellent: the paper does not need any change; 2) Good: the paper needs minor changes; 3) Interesting: the resubmission is recommended after consistent changes and/or revisions; 4) Insufficient: the paper is rejected.

In case of resubmission (points 2 and 3), the same reviewers will be charged to re-evaluate the paper.

The peer-review process, as the complete editorial workflow, is managed within the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.

The manuscript can be submitted in one of the following languages: Italian, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, or English (British or American standard; not the mixture of both). All manuscripts will be submitted (and possibly published) with two abstracts (maximum length of 150 words for each one), one in English (British or American standard) and one in the language of the manuscript. Keywords (from 3 to a maximum of 5) will be indicated accordingly.

Manuscripts with significant grammatical or syntactical mistakes/problems will be immediately discarded without starting the refereeing process.

Length of paper
The length of the paper should not exceed 50000 characters (spaces included). Articles should be typed in 1,5 space, including footnotes and references (placed at the end of the paper).

Subdivision of the article
It is highly recommended to clearly articulate the paper in numbered and titled paragraphs/sections. Sections should be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. Internal subsections should be numbered 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., ... 2.1., 2.2., etc.

Authors should follow the latest APA style edition (see,, which is the editing style followed by CH.

Authors should arrange the references accordingly with the latest APA style.

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