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Trans_Hum 2024 : Transformed Humanity in search for stability: rhythms in philosophy, nature, art


When May 16, 2024 - May 19, 2024
Where University of Latvia, Riga
Submission Deadline May 31, 2023
Notification Due Aug 1, 2023

Call For Papers

International Interdisciplinary Philosophical Conference
Transformed Humanity in search for stability: rhythms in philosophy, nature, art
Riga, University of Latvia – May 16-19, 2024.

Since the late 1990s the humanities and social sciences have been going through changes determined by the end of postmodernism and beginning of “post-human age”. Research on transformation of human mainly focuses on the rapid pace of emerging technologies playing an increasingly important role in society. Philosophical search for new stability in today’s fluid processes focuses also on rhythms, which uniquely show changes not only in society but also in inner constitution of each of us and our surrounding worlds.
The conference aims to conduct transdisciplinary philosophical research and discover the new overlapping horizons uniting different theoretical approaches to rhythms in perspective of transformed humanity. The conference would be an innovative turn to the transformations of ideas influenced not only by mind and rationality, but also by rhythmic forces that shape and organize being and existence.
Two millstones are in the centre of the conference: transformed humanity and rhythm. Researchers of different disciplines are invited to participate in the conference. It is up to each author to choose in which paradigms of thinking to view rhythm, human and fluid processes (transformation) of sociality. The conference will be intended as a dialogue that will allow viewing rhythm within a broad discourse of several theoretical and philosophical approaches (metaphysical, ethical, aesthetical, analytical, phenomenological, hermeneutical, historical, cultural, technological, musical). Life sciences are also invited to give their contribution in the interdisciplinary study. Such concepts as human and humanity, reason, deconstruction, transformation, contemplation, listening, viewing, nature, body, artwork, vitality, health, society, individuality, technologies, constructed rationality, self-sufficiency, moral responsibility, power, cosmic dimension, “eye and ear” stimulate new approaches to studies on rhythms in context of humanity. Deconstruction of individuality in hypermodern times and forming of transformed humanity covering such topics as: individual life and changes of values, power of nature and eco-philosophy, changes of rhythms and power of technologies.
What is rhythm itself? What are differences between natural rhythms of human life and rhythms of constructed rationality and technologies? What are alternatives to the currently dominant metric paradigm of rhythm? What am I between technologies, constructed reason, power of nature and global processes? What is the disruption of the natural rhythm and how it deforms and transforms humanity? How does the individuality change along with human positions in the social order? What is a power of nature to change the human world? What is a contribution of art to maintain rhythmic and healthy life? How does humanity transform in rhythms by effects to body and reason? How does renewed rhythmanalysis concern the ethical and political dimensions, literature and art?
Important facts and dates:
The conference held in Riga as face-to-face event, University of Latvia, May 16 - 19, 2024. Conference working language: English. Participation is free from payment.
Summary should be submitted in English by May 31, 2023. The summary should include:
- Information about the author: name, surname, institution, contacts
- Title of the paper
- 5-7 keywords
- 200-300 words abstract
The conference summaries must be sent electronically in Word format with a note: Transformed Humanity Rhythm to the mails: ;

Confirmations about the participation in the conference will be sent until the August 1, 2023, by an official invitation in electronic format.
Based on the conference papers, it is planned to publish a collection of scientific articles (a special issue of the journal), indexed in internationally cited databases. The date of submission of the full text of the article is September 15, 2024. Guidelines for the preparation of the article and information on the publication will be sent together with the confirmation of participation in the conference.
The representatives of each discipline are invited to present their papers in the conference, provided that the subject of the report is linked to the insights of humanity and rhythm.

Scientific Committee:
Dr. phil. Ineta Kivle (Latvia)
Dr. phil. Raivis Bičevskis (Latvia)
Dr. Pascal Michon (France)
PhD. Lenart Škof (Slovenia)
PhD. Maja Bjelica (Slovenia)
PhD. Natalia Anna Michna (Poland)

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