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B2C 2023 : Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference


When Oct 18, 2023 - Oct 20, 2023
Where Corfu, Greece
Submission Deadline Jul 15, 2023
Notification Due Jul 31, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 20, 2023
Categories    blockchain   cryptocurrency   metaverse   web 3.0

Call For Papers

About the Event

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are now topics of substantial impact that society needs to contemplate, exploit and adopt.

The Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference (B2C' 2023) aims to provide a forum for researchers, scientists, engineers, and students from both the industry and the academia to present their latest research findings, advances and innovations on blockchain technologies as well as to helps decision-makers, technologists, and developers understand the value of blockchain to their businesses regardless of industry.

It will feature keynotes, tutorials, peer-reviewed technical paper presentations, posters, demos and exhibitions from world-leading companies, startups, solution vendors, research institutes, open-source projects, and academia. The congress will be also the forum for exchange of the latest innovation results, regulations, policies, standards, and applications in this exciting and challenging area.

Unlike existing, narrowly focused technical conferences and commercial trade events, the congress will cover all technical and social aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrency. In addition, startups, working in this area will be able to present their pitch decks to investors during the event.

List of Topics

* Blockchain theories, applications and their evolution
* Blockchain based protocols and algorithms
* Smart contracts and distributed ledgers
* Distributed consensus and fault tolerance mechanisms
* Performance optimization of blockchain and decentralized schemes
* Integration of blockchain with other emerging technologies
* Peer-to-peer networks
* Cryptography techniques
* Security and privacy surrounding blockchain technology
* Cryptocurrency
* Cryptocurrency protocols and adoption
* Digital currencies
* Exchanges, trading and mining
* Financial analysis and risk management with cryptocurrencies
* FinTech and DeFi
* Web 3.0
​* Metaverses
* Fraud detection and financial crime prevention
* Legal, ethical and societal aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrencies
* Regulation and law enforcement of blockchain technology
* New business model
* Case studies (e.g., of adoption, attacks, forks, scams, regulations, policies,
standards …)

Special Sessions:

Authors are welcome to organize and manage special sessions during the conference. Each session should contains 4-6 papers in a related field as specified above or proposed by a session organizer.

Session organizers will get:

* Certificate of Appreciation
* Free Registration for the Event
* Free book chapter publication in the ‘Advances in Blockchain & Cryptocurrency’, Open Access Book Series, Vol. 1, which will be published by IFSA Publishing, S.L. (Barcelona, Spain) in 2023.

Types of Presentation:

* Regular papers
* Posters
* Special sessions papers
* Keynote presentations
* Invited talks
* Industrial presentations
* Virtual Presentation io demand

One Event - three different publications !

1) All registered abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings (USB flash memory card edition of published Proceedings with the ISBN), distributed during the conference and submitted for indexing to the Web of Science.

Startups' Pitch Decks (slides) will be published in the B2C' 2023 Pitch Book and distributed among registered investors before the Conference and potential investors after the event.

2) Authors will be invited to submit full-page extended papers to the open access journal Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ISSN: 2938-2602).

3) The limited number of full-page papers published in the journals will be selected by the Editorial Board to extend to book chapters for the open access Book Series on 'Advances in Blockchain and Cryptocurrency', Vol. 1, which will be published in 2023.

- End -

Related Resources

ICoSR 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Service Robotics
ICBC 2025   7th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency
ACM SAC DAPP 2025   ACM SAC Track on Decentralized Applications (DAPP) with Blockchain, DLT and Crypto-Currencies
BIO 2025   7th International Conference on Bioscience & Engineering
AIBB 2025   The 6th Joint International Conference on AI, Big Data and Blockchain
BDML 2025   6th International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning
BRAINS 2025   7th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services
EI/Scopus-ICBBEM 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Bigdata Blockchain and Economy Management-EI/Scopus
BDIOT--EI 2025   2025 9th International Conference on Big Data and Internet of Things (BDIOT 2025)