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Crisis and Continuity 2023 : Crisis and Continuity: Towards Inclusive, Resilient, and Environmentally Sustainable Social Policies in the Middle East and North Africa


When Jul 11, 2023 - Jul 12, 2023
Where Rabat, Morocco
Submission Deadline Mar 5, 2023
Notification Due Mar 31, 2023
Final Version Due Jun 18, 2023
Categories    social policy   social protection   mena region

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the 10th Anniversary Conference of the Middle East and North Africa Social Policy (MENASP) Network, which will take place in Morocco on 11 and 12 July 2023.

The theme of the conference is "Crisis and Continuity: Towards Resilient, Inclusive, and Environmentally Sustainable Social Policies in the MENA Region".

Hosted by the Moroccan Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEA) at Mohammed V University in Rabat (UM5R), the conference will explore the shifts in social policy design and implementation in the MENA region, how social policies relate to social cohesion, human security and socio-economic crises, and the changes in social policy in the last 10 years. It will also look forward to social policies' role in supporting social equality and economic prosperity.

We are seeking abstracts for potential conference papers focused on a broad range of topics within social policy and conflict prevention in the MENA region. Comparative studies are welcome. More information and the submission criteria are available on our website here.

The call closes at midnight (GMT) on 5 March 2023.

The submission process for paper abstracts will be online only. If you expect to have difficulty submitting your abstract online, please get in touch with us at to request assistance.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you at the conference in July.

The MENASP Network team

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