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EDGeS 2023 : AAAI Spring Symposium Series - Evaluation and Design of Generalist Systems (EDGeS): Challenges and methods for assessing the new generation of AI With the advent of


When Mar 27, 2023 - Mar 29, 2023
Where Palo Alto, CA
Submission Deadline Jan 23, 2023
Notification Due Feb 6, 2023
Final Version Due Mar 3, 2023
Categories    reasoning   foundation models   general ai   evaluation

Call For Papers

With the advent of large domain-universal models, we are witnessing a trend towards generalist AI systems, no longer restricted to narrow tasks. Alongside this trend has been a resurgence of research in symbolic AI, to support common sense reasoning, explanation, and learning with limited training data. There are few extant strategies for assessing modern generalist AI systems, symbolic AI systems, or combinations thereof; assessing the next generation of AI will require novel tools, methods, and benchmarks that address both reasoning and generalist systems, individually and combined holistically.

In the interest of fostering discussion of methodologies for understanding and assessing AI in the domains of reasoning and generativity, we are accepting submissions on topics including (not exhaustive):

Novel training protocols for achieving generalist performance in reasoning and generative tasks
Limitations of current approaches in AI/Machine learning
Novel methodologies to assess progress on increasingly general AI
Methods and tools for identification of vulnerabilities in modern reasoning systems
Quantifiable approaches to assessing ethical robustness of generalist AI systems
Relevant architectures involving neuro-symbolics, neural network-based foundation models, generative AI, common sense reasoning, statistical and relational AI
Architecture for systems capable of reasoned self-verification and ethical robustness
Description of novel systems that combine reasoning with generativity
This format of the symposium will include invited talks and contributed paper presentations by leading researchers and technical experts, as well as panel discussions and group breakout sessions focusing on the implementation of competency assessment in real autonomous systems.

Participants will be invited to submit:

Full technical papers (6-8 pages)
Technical presentation (including abstract ( 2 pages and biography of main speaker)
Position papers (4-6 pages)
Manuscripts must be submitted as PDFs via EasyChair:
Please align with AAAI format:

Important dates
Abstract submission: Deadline extended to 23 Jan, 2023
Notification: 6th of February 2023
Registration: 27th of February 2023
Camera-ready submission: 3rd of March 2023

Organizing Committee
Joscha Bach, Intel Labs, Committee Co-Chair
John Piorkowski, Johns Hopkins University, Committee Co-Chair
Amanda Hicks, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
Tetiana Grinberg, Intel Labs
John Beverley, University at Buffalo
Steven Rogers, Air Force Research Laboratory
Grant Passmore, Imandra
Ramin Hasani, MIT CSAIL
Casey Richardson, S&P Global
Richard Granger, Dartmouth College
Jascha Achterberg, University of Cambridge
Kristinn R. Thórisson, Reykjavik University, IIIM
Luc Steels, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Yulia Sandamirskaya, Neuromorphic Computing lead, Intel Labs
For more information:

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