Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature seeks submissions of Articles, Notes, and essays for our Archives, Innovations, and Academy sections. TSWL focuses on women’s literature in all time periods and places, including foreign-language literatures, and in every genre—poetry, prose, drama, essays, diaries, memoirs, journalism, and criticism. While submissions need not be exclusively concerned with female writers, the focus must be on women and writing, explicating the specific links between the woman writer and her work. Tulsa Studies particularly encourages work in feminist critical and literary theory.
Articles must place the writer and her work in some larger literary, historical, political, or social framework and argue a thesis that encompasses more than a reading of a single text or several texts by a single author. Articles should be 6,000-9,000 words, excluding endnotes. Please also send an abstract of no more than 100-200 words. Notes can be up to 4,000 words and need to 1) present new, factual material concerning a writer or her work; or 2) illuminate a problem of textual interpretation based on factual bibliographical or biographical information. Archive essays should be presented as bibliographies, descriptions of particular archives, or narratives of archival research. They should be limited to 1,500-3,000 words (for further information, see p. 144 of Vol. 5, No. 1, and pp. 213-14 of Vol. 25, No. 2). Innovation essays are descriptions of new approaches to the study of women’s writing, such as digital humanities projects, or reflections on the effects of such projects on the field; they are approximately 2,000-5,000 words (see pp. 214-15 of Vol. 25, No. 2). Academy essays discuss challenges in the academy as they impact women scholars or the study of women’s literature and can be up to 2,500 words (see p. 338 of Vol. 35, No. 2).
All submissions must use endnotes that conform to the most recent edition of The Chicago Manual of Style. Contributors are responsible for providing complete and accurate bibliographical documentation. All submissions must be in English; foreign-language quotations will be printed with accompanying English-language translations provided by the author. Submissions are given anonymous review. Contributors’ names should not appear on manuscripts; authors may speak in the first person but should not identify themselves by name in the text of the essay or in the accompanying notes. All submissions to Tulsa Studies that meet the criteria detailed above will receive at least two readings by members of the Editorial Board or specialist readers and a reading by the Editor. Final decisions for publication rest with the Editor.
Tulsa Studies requests that electronic submissions be made as Microsoft Word attachments and sent to tswl@utulsa.edu. Tulsa Studies does not consider submissions that have been published or are under consideration elsewhere. The University of Tulsa holds copyright on all published materials. There is no deadline for general submissions; manuscripts are considered on a rolling basis.