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Actual Problems of Mind 2023 : Actual Problems of Mind


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    philosophy   classical studies   logic   ontology

Call For Papers

Actual Problems of Mind publishes papers on the study of topical issues of philosophy. The journal does not have a narrow thematic scope but tries to represent a wide range of development of contemporary philosophical thought in Ukraine and abroad, and it publishes translations of classical and contemporary authors.

The journal was founded in 1995 both as printed (ISSN 2076-7382) and online (ISSN 2522-4786). The journal pursues an open access policy to published content, supporting the principles of free sharing of scientific information and global exchange of knowledge and information for the general social and scientific progress.

Zero fees both for authors and readers are granted by Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University (Ukraine).

Currently, Dr. Yaroslav Shramko ( serves as an Actual Problems of Mind Editor-in-Chief. The editorial board of the journal carries out a high-quality and impartial review of all learnt articles submitted by the authors.

Author guidelines:

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