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CFP 2023 : American Philosophical Association Central Gatherings 2023- ESP Session


When Feb 22, 2023 - Feb 25, 2023
Where Denver, CO
Submission Deadline Jul 30, 2021
Categories    philosophy   science

Call For Papers

APA Central, Gatherings 2023
2/22/23 to 2/25/23

Denver, Colorado

A session organized by the Institute for Studies in Pragmaticism

philosophia naturalis

Making Sense of Relations and Realities

The various recent approaches to quantum worlds appear to be reaching a consensus: that spacetime is quantized, relational, and emergent out of a fundamentally new, pre-geometric order that exists “before” and “below.” Conventional reality, then, emerges as an explicate order from more fundamental, relational pre-geometric and pre-quantum implicate order(s), which exist beyond conventional science and philosophy.
This pre-geometric implicate order has the potential to answer the two most fundamental questions in all of the philosophia naturalis: what is the origin of spacetime and the fields within it, and ultimately, why is there something rather than nothing? Hence, the sub-Planckian order promises profound consequences, not just for foundational (meta)physics, but also for cosmic evolution in quantum cosmology and human knowledge of it.
Many scholars have explored these ideas, most notably the physicists David Bohm and Carlo Rovelli, and within the tradition of relational and process philosophy (Peirce, Bergson, Whitehead, Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, DeLanda, et al.).
The session invites papers to discuss historical and current positions towards a genuinely holistic philosophia naturalis, which unites philosophy and science beyond the traditional rational-empirical academic disciplinary boundaries.

Please send your abstract (300-500 words) to Elize Bisanz –— by July 30th, 2022.

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