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OASIS 2022 : International Workshop on Open Challenges in Online Social Networks


When Jun 28, 2022 - Jun 28, 2022
Where Virtual event
Submission Deadline Apr 17, 2022
Notification Due May 18, 2022
Final Version Due May 28, 2022
Categories    blockchain   decentralisation   social networks   metaverse

Call For Papers

to be held in conjunction with 33nd ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media

28 June 2022, Virtual event

Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library.

Today, Social Media are one of the main parts of daily life by affecting sociality, but they are also important channels through which information travels faster than ever. The rapid growth in popularity has opened new challenging problems which involve numerous fields in computer science. These issues have implications on social graph analysis, trust and security, and so on.
Moreover, privacy issues and the usage of mobile devices have opened new research fields in the design of decentralized online social networks, which can be considered one of the most important challenges. Furthermore, the current improvement concerning the study and the proposal of new approaches for Social Networks and Media involves the introduction of new AI solutions, AR/VR, and Web3-related technologies to ferry humankind towards the next generation of Online Social Networks.
The workshop targets researchers, doctoral students, people from industry and other people interested in discussing, reflecting and networking on central themes associated with the development and the use of social networks.

Authors are solicited to submit original, previously unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to, topic areas:
* Social Networks Design and Analysis
* Security, Trust, and Privacy in Social Networks and Media
* Decentralised Social Networking applications: P2P, Cloud, and Mobile
* Blockchain Social Media: analysis and applications
* Social Sensing and Sentiment Analysis
* Incentive systems for OSNs
* Data Mining for OSNs and Media
* Dynamic Network Analysis in OSNs
* AI for OSNs and Media
* Social Dynamics
* Accessibility for the Web and Media
* Mobility Data and Analysis for Social Media
* Ethics in Social Media Analysis
* Virtual/Mixed Reality for the Metaverse

All accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library. We are organising special issues that will be announced as soon as they are confirmed.

Nicolas Kourtellis, Principal Research Scientist at Telefonica R&D (Barcelona, Spain), will hold a keynote speech entitled "Challenges and Opportunities in Online (Social Media) Safety & Privacy". More details can be found here:

* Submission deadline: April 17, 2022 (AoE UCT -12)
* Notification of acceptance: May 23, 2022
* Camera Ready: June 2, 2022
* Workshop 28 June, 2022

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