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SPBCT 2022 : Online Workshop on Security & Privacy in Blockchain February 16 - 17, 2022


When Feb 16, 2022 - Feb 17, 2022
Where Hyderabad - Virtual
Submission Deadline Feb 9, 2022
Notification Due Feb 11, 2022
Final Version Due Feb 14, 2022
Categories    blockchain   security   security & privacy   banking technology

Call For Papers

Blockchain Technology has emerged as a popular platform for developing decentralised applications and data storage, over and beyond its role as a platform for cryptocurrencies. This platform's central concept is that it enables the creation of a distributed and replicated ledger of events, transactions, and data generated by various IT processes, with strong cryptographic assurances of tamper resistance, immutability, and verifiability.

Even though blockchain technology is best recognized for its usage in the creation of cryptocurrencies like BitCoin and Ethereum, the blockchain platform offers a lot more potential in areas like time stamping, tracking critical events in a system, recording transactions, e-governance, etc. Hyperledger, Hashgraph, IOTA, and Corda are some of the versions that have improved the decentralisation possibilities in numerous applications.

Researchers are working to improve the requirements so that they can be used in a limited context. Key distribution, registry maintenance, health record management, land record management, self-sovereign identity management, decentralized authentication, decentralized DNS, and other use cases were also developed by the researchers. In addition, countries like India, Estonia, and the United Kingdom are building their own applications in a variety of disciplines. This workshop intends to encourage students, academics, and researchers from the industry to discuss their unique research work, projects, and knowledge base in this developing sector of technology.

Workshop Objectives

To discuss the current state of blockchain development and research in India and throughout the world.
Disseminate blockchain technology knowledge among students, researchers, and academics. The ultimate purpose is to demonstrate technological progress.

Workshop Topics

Introduction to Blockchain Technology
Role of Cryptography in Blockchain
Privacy preservation of data in Blockchain
Consensus Algorithms
Use cases for Banking and finance, Regulatory landscape
Hands-on a permissioned Blockchain platform


Speakers from reputed institutions with good working experience in the field of Blockchain Technology will deliver talks. An indicative list of speakers is as under:

Souradyuti Paul, IIT Bhilai
Sushmita Ruj, CSIRO and UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Chaya Ganesh, IISc Bangalore
Vinay Ribeiro, IIT Bombay
Sathya Peri, IIT Hyderabad
Ankit Gangwal, IIIT Hyderabad

Who can Attend
Students of UG or higher, Faculty Members, Researchers and people from industry.

Registration Fee
Students: Rs. 150/- (including GST)
Others: Rs. 300/- (including GST)

Registration Process
If you are interested in participating in this virtual workshop, please Register at

Related Resources

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