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SFMA 2011 : Workshop on Systems for Future Multi-Core Architectures


When Apr 10, 2011 - Apr 10, 2011
Where Salzburg, Austria
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2011
Notification Due Mar 1, 2011
Final Version Due Apr 1, 2011
Categories    operating systems   computer architecture   runtime systems   virtualization

Call For Papers

The current trend towards multi-core computing is of significant importance to practitioners of systems-level software, such as operating systems, language runtimes and virtual machines. As the layer between application software and the underlying hardware, systems-level software must directly tackle the challenges of multi-core hardware (e.g., scalability, concurrency control and data-sharing costs), while providing appropriate abstractions to higher-level software. Future hardware is likely to increase the challenges encountered by systems software due to increasing system diversity, core heterogeneity, complex memory hierarchies, dynamic core failure, and non-cache coherent shared memory. However, the abundance of parallelism and potential for core specialization and inter-core message passing hardware also provide a number of new opportunities for system software. The current shift in hardware design provides an exciting opportunity to radically rethink the design and implementation of systems-
level software.

The workshop on Systems for Future Multi-Core Architectures (SFMA'11) brings together researchers in the operating systems, language runtime and virtual machine communities to exchange ideas and experiences on the challenges and opportunities presented by future multi-core hardware.

The workshop program will include presentations of peer-reviewed papers as well as a panel with participants from research / academia and industry. SFMA topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• novel multi-core operating system designs,
• runtime systems and programming environments for future hardware, operating system or runtime support for heterogeneous processing cores, scheduling on many-core
• energy efficiency, fault tolerance and resource management on future multi-core architectures,
• performance evaluation of potential future hardware,
• architectural support for systems-level software,
• case studies of system-level software design for current or
future multi-core hardware.

Paper Submission:

Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished work that exposes a new problem, advocates a specific solution, or reports on actual experience. Papers should be submitted using the standard double column ACM SIG proceedings format, to Papers are limited to 6 pages, including figures and tables.

Final papers will be available to participants electronically at the meeting, but to facilitate resubmission to more formal venues, no archival proceedings will be published, and papers will not be sent to the ACM Digital Library. Authors will have the option of having their final paper accessible from the workshop website.

Important dates:
Submissions due: 1st February 2011 (11:59pm PST)
Notification: 1st March 2011
Workshop: 10th April 2011

Program committee:
Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai (Intel)
Mats Brorsson (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Juan Colmenares (University of California, Berkeley)
Stephan Diestelhorst (AMD)
Tim Harris (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Hermann Härtig (TU Dresden)
Ross McIlroy (Microsoft Research Cambridge)
Derek Murray (University of Cambridge)
Timothy Roscoe (ETH Zürich)
Michael Scott (University of Rochester)
Jeremy Singer (University of Glasgow)
Joe Sventek (University of Glasgow)
Michael Swift (University of Wisconsin)
Ian Watson (University of Manchester)
Nickolai Zeldovich (MIT)

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