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FAKE NEWS 2021 : (ONLINE) Fake News and Authenticity - International Interdisciplinary Conference


When May 20, 2021 - May 21, 2021
Where online
Submission Deadline May 5, 2021
Categories    interdisciplinary   INTERNATIONAL   media studies   cuture studies

Call For Papers


Since the postmodern movements such as pop and hyperrealist art or literary genres ̶ new journalism and creative non-fiction – questioned the status of the real and the imitated, the concept of authenticity has called for a constant reevaluation. Walter Benjamin’s 1935 assumption that “the presence of the original is the prerequisite to the concept of authenticity” has been called into question with the corporate and advertising practice continually rebranding the concept of authenticity to suit mass consumers’ needs. Why is it then that within the contemporary culture the notion of authenticity is still heavily linked with spiritual awakening and happiness? To what extent do authenticity and individuality function as mere commercial products and advertising slogans? Have they over time become shallow romantic ideals or do they still hold the substance to be discovered and implemented into one’s line of thinking and living? What makes authenticity creatively attractive to artists, thinkers and spiritual teachers? Can authenticity be defined, measured, conceptualized in the contemporary context of relativism? Is it at all possible to separate truth from untruth in the world of fake news?

During our interdisciplinary conference, we strive to discuss the contemporary status of authenticity and fake news. We invite researchers representing various academic disciplines: literary studies, film studies, theatre studies, media studies, art, history, anthropology, psychology, sociology, politics, philosophy, cognitive studies, to name a few.

​ Different forms of presentations are encouraged, including case studies, theoretical inquiries, personal reflections, problem-oriented arguments, comparative analyses and creative expressions.

We will be happy to hear from experienced scholars and young academics, doctoral and graduate students, as well as professionals from various disciplines. We also invite all persons interested in participating in the conference as listeners, without giving a presentation.

Our repertoire of suggested topics includes but is not restricted to:

Authenticity and historical narratives

Global, local and individual authenticity

Fake news as a historical phenomenon

Fake news and social conflicts

Fake news and the coronavirus pandemic

Fake news and mass hysteria

Fake news and haterage

Fake news and mental health

Fake news, exclusion and loneliness

Authenticity and self-growth

Authenticity and shame

Authenticity and vulnerability

Fake news and media

Social media marketing and authenticity

Freedom of speech

Fake news and censorship

Political fake news

Fake news and propaganda

Intended versus unintended fake news

Authenticity and ethics

Authenticity in the arts

Realism, hyperrealism and naturalism

Authenticity and mimesis

Authenticity and intertextuality


Authenticity and autofiction

Authenticity and creativity

Authenticity and adaptation

Authenticity and documentary films

Fake literature

Fake artists

Fake authenticity

Please submit abstracts (no longer than 300 words) of your proposed 20-minute presentations, together with a short biographical note, by 5 May 2021 to:

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