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TDIS 2021 : 1st International Workshop on Testing Distributed Internet of Things Systems


When Oct 4, 2021 - Oct 8, 2021
Where San Francisco, USA or Virtual
Submission Deadline Jun 7, 2021
Notification Due Jul 14, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2021
Categories    IOT   testing   testbeds   simulation

Call For Papers

The Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, and machine learning will allow for more adaptive cities, houses, and infrastructures. Yet, this vision of intelligent cyber-physical systems will not be implemented with centralized cloud resources alone. Such resources are simply too far away from sensor-equipped IoT devices, leading to high latencies, network bottlenecks, and unnecessary energy consumption, while there are also often privacy and safety requirements mandating distributed architectures. Therefore, new distributed computing paradigms and system architectures are currently emerging for the IoT that promise to provide computing and storage in proximity of edge devices.

However, the resulting heterogeneous, distributed, and dynamic environments pose significant challenges to the performance, dependability, and efficiency of distributed systems. It is also far less clear how to best create test environments and integrate domain simulations to be able to efficiently assess the behavior IoT systems will exhibit in the field. Yet, continuous testing in realistic test environments is essential for many IoT systems. For instance, if IoT systems are to continuously optimize the operation of critical urban infrastructures such as public transport systems, energy grids, water networks, and medical infrastructures on the basis of collected sensor data, new versions of such IoT systems must be tested thoroughly before they can be deployed and relied on. The behavior of such critical IoT systems has to be tested under the expected distributed computing environment conditions, including variations of such conditions, given the inherently unsteady nature of IoT environments.

The TDIS workshop aims to provide a forum for current work by researchers and practitioners in the different research areas and application domains connected to testing IoT systems. We welcome submissions that describe initial ideas and visions, just as much as reports on novel approaches, practical tools, and completed projects. In case that the workshop will have to take place virtually, we will make sure there will be ample opportunities for constructive feedback, lively discussions, and direct interactions.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

- physical and hybrid IoT testbeds
- simulation and emulation of IoT environments
- co-simulation within IoT domains
- model-based and model-supported approaches
- simulation-based integration testing
- testing on heterogeneous IoT devices
- testing of network technologies and protocols
- testing of real-time behavior
- testing of fault tolerance mechanisms (fault injection, chaos engineering, etc.)
- dependability modeling and assessments (high availability, consistency, etc.)
- testing and modeling of resource usage and energy consumption
- resource management and scheduling in testbeds
- calability and efficiency of test runs and testbeds
- testing frameworks for edge and fog computing
- distributed monitoring, tracing, error detection
- usability of testbeds and testing frameworks
- representativeness, reproducibility, and repeatability of test results

Related Resources

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RSEJ 2025   Renewable and Sustainable Energy: An International Journal
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CSEIT 2025   12th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology
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