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SPBP 2021 : The Fourth Workshop on Security and Privacy-enhanced Business Process Management


When Sep 6, 2021 - Sep 6, 2021
Where Rome, Italy
Submission Deadline Jun 7, 2021
Notification Due Jul 2, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 12, 2021
Categories    business process   blockchain   privacy enhancing technology   security

Call For Papers

SPBP'21: The Fourth Workshop on Security and Privacy-enhanced Business Process Management

(co-located with the International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2021)

September 6th, 2021, Rome, Italy


Despite the growing demand for BUSINESS PROCESSES that comply with SECURITY and PRIVACY policies, security and privacy incidents caused by erroneous workflow specifications are regrettably common. This is, in part, because business process management, security and privacy are seldom addressed together, thereby hindering the development of trustworthy, privacy and security-compliant business processes. The central theme of the workshop is the interplay between business process management, security and privacy management. The goal is to establish a venue to discuss business process privacy and integrity management, for instance by using the merging technologies such as

** blockchain, smart contracts, and distributed ledgers,
** distributed process mining,
** privacy-aware and privacy-enhancing technologies,
** artificial intelligence, and more.

The workshop will also welcome traditional submissions on security and security risk management, including compliance checking, privacy and security policies, monitoring and measuring security activities within business processes.

This year's special topic is - PROCESS RESILIENCE - especially considering the impacts observed from the Covid-19 sanitary crisis.

TOPICS of INTEREST (but not limited):

* Accountability
* Authorization
* Availability
* Blockchain technology
* Choreography and Orchestration
* Compliance checking
* Confidentiality
* Conformance checking
* Continuous audit
* Cost-benefit analysis
* Distributed ledger
* Economics of audit
* Experience reports
* Formal reasoning
* Fraud detection
* Information flow control
* Information integrity
* Meta-models for analysis
* Modelling
* Operational decision support
* Privacy-aware process discovery
* Privacy-enhanced processes
* Process checking
* Risk measurement
* Security modelling
* Security risk management
* Security testing
* Usage control
* Workflow forensics


Submitted manuscripts
** must be written in English;
** must be formatted using the LNBIP format;
** must be no longer than 12 pages;
** must be submitted as a PDF document via the EasyChair system (see instruction at (
** must not substantially overlap with manuscripts that have been published or submitted to another peer-reviewed workshop, conference, or journal.

Submissions will be reviewed by at least three PC members and evaluated on their originality, significance, technical soundness, and exposition clarity. The accepted workshop papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer as a post-workshop proceedings volume in the series Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP).

SPBP'21 website:

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