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IEEE BSC 2020 : IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (IEEE BSC 2020) - New Deadline


When Dec 11, 2020 - Dec 14, 2020
Where Macau, China
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2020
Notification Due Jul 10, 2020
Categories    cybersecurity   blockchain   smart contract   applications

Call For Papers

================================= IEEE BSC 2020 =================================

IEEE International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (IEEE BSC 2020)

Macau, China, December 11-14, 2020

Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2020


In conjunction with QRS 2020 - The 20th IEEE International Conference on
Software Quality, Reliability, and Security

** The workshop adopts a hybrid model allowing either in-person or online remote

A Blockchain is a distributed ledger for recording transactions, maintained
by many nodes without central authority through a distributed cryptographic
protocol. Smart contracts on top of a blockchain render transactions traceable,
transparent, and irreversible. It is expected that Blockchain and smart contracts
will play an important role in emerging fields such as Internet of Things, Cyber
Physical Systems, social networking, crowdsourcing and next generation wireless
communications. On the other hand, their advances should be further evolved in
terms of scalability, privacy, efficiency, flexibility and high dependability.
The International Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contracts (IWBS) at QRS intends
to provide a highprofile, leading-edge forum for researchers, engineers, and
practitioners to present latest advances and innovations in key theories,
infrastructure, schemes, and significant applications for the Blockchain software,
as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future.

Topic of Interest:
The Workshop welcomes technical papers technical papers which are related to
(but not limited to) the following topics:
- Theoretical Study on Blockchain and Smart contacts
- Blockchain consensus protocols
- Executable law, context-awareness, consistency, monitoring
- Solution to Scalability of Blockchain
- Benchmarking and performance study
- Algorithm design, complexity analysis, implementation for blockchain
- Security, Privacy, and Reliability of Blockchain and Smart Contracts
- Novel applications based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts

Important Dates:
- Paper submission due: June 15, 2020
- Notification of acceptance: July 10, 2020

Submit Your Contributions:
At the time of submission, all papers must conform to the Format and Submission
Guideline set in advance by QRS 2020. All submissions must be in English and in
PDF format. Submissions that do not comply with the above instructions will be
rejected without review. Papers must be submitted electronically through the
BSC 2020 submission site. Each submission will be reviewed by members of the
Program Committee and evaluated on originality, contribution, soundness, and
presentation. The program committee as a whole will make final decisions about
which submissions to accept for presentation at the conference. The length of
a camera ready paper will be limited to eight pages, including the title of the
paper, the name and affiliation of each author, a 150-word abstract, and up to
6 keywords. Authors must follow the IEEE Computer Society Press Proceedings
Author Guidelines to prepare papers. At least one of the authors of each accepted
paper is required to pay full registration fee and present the paper at the
workshop. Arrangements are being made to publish selected accepted papers in
reputable journals. The submissions must be in PDF and uploaded to the conference
submission site:

More details can be found at


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