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CSAA 2020 : Cultural Studies Association of Australasia 2020


When Dec 2, 2020 - Dec 4, 2020
Where Edith Cowan University Mt Lawley
Submission Deadline Apr 17, 2020
Categories    cultural studies   bodies   body   politics

Call For Papers

CFP CSAA 2020: Bodies in Flux
The conference theme calls for papers that interrogate the notion of bodies and change, with the understanding that the body frames everyday life (human and non-human). Bodies in flux, both political and politicised bodies, might be understood in terms of local, national and global contexts. Click here to read the full Call for Papers.

In our current cultural climate of disruption, mobility, movement and tension, how do bodies function in relation to each other, to the social order, hierarchies, and culture. In addition, we welcome cultural studies submissions (panels and individual papers) that explore how bodies become produced and excluded through discursive practices.

Themes include (but are not limited to):
1. Bodies out of place
2. Global, national or local bodies
3. Hurt bodies
4. Politicised Bodies
5. Bodily/affective experiences in relation to digital and social media
6. Changing bodies of theory/pedagogy
7. Bodies on screen (film, photography, digital and social media)
8. Refugee bodies
9. Unruly bodies
10. Aspirational bodies (bodies in and under neoliberalism)
11. Non-human bodies

The conference welcomes proposals that address this theme as well as general papers in cultural studies. Please submit abstracts of no more than 200 words plus a brief bio.

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