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When Jul 20, 2020 - Jul 24, 2020
Where Beijing China
Abstract Registration Due Apr 5, 2020
Submission Deadline Apr 6, 2020
Notification Due Apr 27, 2020
Final Version Due May 15, 2020
Categories    microservice   software engineering   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

---------------------------------CALL FOR PAPERS------------------------------------
With the continuous emergence of new service technologies such as RESTful and microservices, service software has evolved from a simple homogeneous system to a service ecosystem with an open environment, cross-domain scenarios, and complex business. Traditional service theories and technologies based on WS-* framework are experiencing difficulties in achieving precise services adaption, dynamic composition and coupling integration between massive heterogeneous services. In response to new service adaptation requirements, intelligent service adaptation theory and methods need to be studied to solve the two major problems: how to effectively and intelligently adapt heterogeneous services and how to assure the QoS during service evolution and operation.
AISA2020 aims to bring together world-leading researchers and industrial practitioners interested in intelligence services adaption including: (1) theoretical model and computational framework; (2) adaptation process enabling technology; (3) services evolution, efficiency evaluation and optimization; (4) intelligent service adaptation tools and platform; (5) real-world application of intelligent service adaptation.

--------------------------------------- TOPICS----------------------------------------
All topics relevant to Intelligent Microservices lifecycle are of interest.
* Foundations of Microservices
* Knowledge-driven DevOps Framework based Microservices Architecture
* Multiagent Modelling for Microservice Ecosystem
* Intelligent Microservice Discovery and Recommendation
* Formal Methods for Microservices Systems
* Microservice Governance Framework
* Microservices Industry Standards and Solution Stacks
* Ontology and Microservice Choregraph
* Workflow Recommendation and Customization
* Task Scheduling in Hybrid Human-Machine Workflow Execution
* Microservice for Business Process Modelling and Management
* Performance, Security, Privacy and Trust in Business Process Management
* Quality of Services and Cost of Services in Microservice Governance
* Autonomic Runtime Fault Detection and Recovery in Microservice
* Testing of Microservice systems
* Availability and Reliability in Microservice systems

-------------------------------SUBMISSION GUIDELINES-------------------------------
We call for original and unpublished papers no longer than 6 pages (up to 2 additional pages may be purchased subject to approval by the Publication Chair.). All papers will be reviewed with a minimum of 3 good-quality reviews per paper. The manuscripts should be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column, 10-pt font) and be submitted as PDF files (formatted for 8.5x11-inch paper). The submission URL is:

------------------------------------- ORGANIZERS--------------------------------------
Steering Group
Mauro Pezze, Università della Svizzera italiana
Mark Harman, University College London
Huaimin Wang, National University of Defense Technology
Zhi Jin, Peking University

Workshop Chairs
Wenjun Wu, Beihang University
Huajun Chen, Zhejiang University

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