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ISSonDL 2020 : International Summer School on Deep Learning 2020


When Jul 6, 2020 - Jul 10, 2020
Where Gdansk, Poland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    artificial intelligence   machine learning   deep learning   education

Call For Papers

International Summer School on Deep Learning will introduce participants with fundamentals of deep learning methods. Outside of the base camp, special sessions and keynotes are planned to keep the audience up to date with the latest advances in this fascinating research area. We invite students, researchers and professionals to participate in this unique event that will keep you on track, help unleashing new ideas and give you a chance to be a part of mind-blowing conversations.

Outstanding speakers and experienced instructors from all over the world ( will present scientific background, practical issues and perspectives for the future of deep learning methods.

The keynote lectures and mini courses will cover topics ranging from fundamentals of neural networks to practical implementations and applications of deep learning (

First day:
Introduction to Deep Learning: WORKSHOP on fundamentals of DEEP LEARNING. The Workshop will introduce you with the basics of neural networks as a practical method of machine learning, focusing further on convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks.
Conference on AI inference in practice: You will have the opportunity to join us during one-day conference focused on Deep Learning models in action. In this track you will learn how to use models in real life scenarios, what edge platforms are available on the market for AI inference and how to implement a model in a mobile application (e.g. in Android).

Days 2-5: During the remaining four days of the School you will have a chance to dive deep into Deep Learning trends and applications by taking part in hands-on workshops and keynotes. Sessions will cover algorithms used for data processing in vision, text, audio and other domains.

Certificates: All participants actively taking part in the training will receive a certificate with detailed information about learnt topics and attended training hours.

Cost-effective: About 40 university hours of trainings will be provided for an affordable price.

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