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SocInfo 2020 : Call for tutorials: The 12th International Conference on Social Informatics


When Oct 6, 2020 - Oct 9, 2020
Where Pisa, Italy
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2020
Notification Due May 15, 2020
Categories    computer science   social sciences   management sciences   informatics

Call For Papers

International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo2020)
06-09 Oct. 2020
Pisa, Italy

Important Dates
* Submission deadline: 30 April 2020
* Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2020
* Tutorials day: 06 October 2020

About SocInfo2020
The International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo2020) is an interdisciplinary venue that brings together researchers from the computational and social sciences to help fill the gap between the two communities. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum to help practitioners from the two disciplines define common research objectives and explore methodologies. The organizers welcome a broad range of contributions, from those that apply methods from the social sciences to the study of socio-technical systems, to the application of computational methods to the study of complex social processes and the use of social concepts in the design of information systems.

SocInfo2020 offers an opportunity for the dissemination of knowledge between the two communities by soliciting presentations of original research papers and experience-based case studies in computer science, sociology, psychology, political science, anthropology, economics, linguistics, artificial intelligence, social network analysis, and other disciplines that can shed light on the open questions in the growing field of computational social science.

SocInfo2020 will also offer keynote talks and invited talks that will be tailored to enhance the collaboration between the two research cultures in an era when social interactions are ubiquitous and span offline, online and augmented reality worlds.

The SocInfo2020 Committee invites proposals for the Tutorials Day of the conference.
All tutorials will be held on Tuesday, October 6th, 2020, in Pisa, Italy (at the same venue as the main conference).
Tutorials will cover computational social science topics consistent with the subject area of the SocInfo conference.

Tutorials will generally be half a day, however, based on proposed schedules and activities, a full-day tutorial may be warranted. Tutorial chairs may suggest lengths based on the proposed scope. To foster interaction and exchange of ideas, all tutorials will be kept small, with up to a maximum of 35/40 participants. We particularly encourage tutorial themes that promote interdisciplinary discussion and provide the opportunity for those working in different fields represented at Social Informatics, including developers and practitioners, to participate.

Please email your proposal in a single pdf file to the tutorial chairs at before the deadline. For additional information please contact the tutorial chairs at the same address. All the deadlines are at 23:59:59 Anywhere on Earth Time.

Proposals Format
*Tutorial title and short summary: including motivation for the topic, relevance to the conference and specific objectives/outcomes for the tutorial (300 words).
*Names, affiliation(s) and contact information for organizer(s).
*Schedule and activities: including pointers to any sample code/slides/etc. that the organizers have used previously that would be applicable, and detailed description of any activities.
*Precedent (if applicable): a list of previous tutorials at SocInfo or related conferences, and a brief description of how the proposed tutorial builds on or differs from them.
*Requirements/equipment: a list of what will be required (e.g. wifi, projector, room with no tables, etc.).
*Capacity: estimate about the number of attendees (or range) for which this tutorial would be suitable.
*Audience: target attendees, any pre-requisite background.

Tutorial Chair
Luca Pappalardo, ISTI-CNR, Italy

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