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MEDITERRANEAN 2020 : The Mediterranean between history and innovation. Problems and perspectives


When Sep 18, 2020 - Sep 19, 2020
Where Italy - Viareggio
Submission Deadline Apr 30, 2020
Notification Due May 31, 2020
Categories    history   humanities   political science   economics

Call For Papers

In 1991, the conference La penisola italiana e il mare. Costruzioni navali, trasporti e commerci tra XV e XX secolo (Viareggio, 29 aprile – 1 maggio 1991) took place in Viareggio to discuss various aspects linked to the history of the Mediterranean, the tradings, and the maritime activity which was conducted in this area during the Middle Ages and in Modern Times. Thirty years on, the Accademia “Maria Luisa di Borbone”, together with other prestigious academic institutions, has organized an international two-day conference, focused on the relations between the Italian Peninsula and the Mediterranean sea, a topic which will be examined through many different points of view. The inititave is meant to remember Tommaso Fanfani (1943-2011), professor of Economic History at the University of Pisa, and aims to create a scientific debate on a series of issues linked to Mare Nostrum from the Middle Ages up to current times.
The international conference will last two days (Friday 18th and Saturday 19th September 2020) and will take place in Viareggio, a harbour in the Mediterranean sea and adopted town of Tommaso Fanfani.
Topics may include:
1. future developments in shipbuilding;
2. history of the Mediterranean area in the Post-classical era (Middle Ages), paying particular
attention to the Italian Peninsula;
3. history of the Mediterranean in Early and Late Modern period, paying particular attention
to the Italian Peninsula;
4. history of the Mediterranean in Contemporary age, focusing on migration, transports,
current issues;
5. economy and trade in the Mediterranean area;
6. environment, renewable sources, exploitation of resources connected to the sea;
7. ports and civilisations;
8. art, culture, literature, languages in the Mediterranean area.
The final session of the conference will be dedicated to the history of Viareggio and of Tuscany in the period of the Bourbon duchy: two centuries have in fact passed since the bestowal of the title of City to this Lucchese town, granted by Maria Luisa of Spain, duchess of Lucca in 1820.
Proposals should be sent within April 30th, 2020 to the email address; proposals should consist of an abstract (no longer than 300 word) and a short biography (max 150 words), clearly specifing the academic affiliation.
Responses and a programme of the event will be sent out by May 31st, 2020. The selected essays must be submitted in their final form by September 30th, 2020. All manuscripts will be refereed through a peer-review process (double blind).
All participants should inform the organizing committee of their food preferences (vegetarian, vegan), of any allergies or special requests. Room and board (social dinner, refreshments) will be paid by Accademia “Maria Luisa di Borbone”. No attendance fee is required.
Papers can be delivered in Italian or in English; multimedia presentations are admitted (.ppt, .pptx, .pdf), which should be sent at least one week before the event. Presentations should be no more than 20 minutes. Conference proceedings will be published by Edizioni La Villa within Summer 2021.
Scientific committee Anna Vittoria Bertuccelli Migliorini (Università di Pisa), Maria Luisa Ceccarelli Lemut (Università di Pisa), Giuseppe Conti (Università di Pisa), Marco Gemignani (Accademia Navale di Livorno), Domenica Romagno (Università di Pisa), Filippo Ruschi (Università degli Studi di Firenze), Giovanni Scarabelli (Ukrainian Catholic University of L’viv), Paolo Emilio Tomei (Università di Pisa).
Organizing committee Amedeo Angeli, Lorenzo Benedetti, Bianca Maria Cecchini, Francesco D’Agostino, Stefania Morchio, Tommaso Maria Rossi.

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