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LiNCR 2020 : Workshop on Linguistic and Neurocognitive Resources


When May 12, 2020 - May 12, 2020
Where Marseille, France
Submission Deadline Feb 17, 2020
Notification Due Mar 11, 2020
Final Version Due Apr 2, 2020
Categories    NLP

Call For Papers

The Workshop on Linguistic and Neurocognitive Resources
(LiNCR, pronounced as ‘linker’) aims to provide a venue
to explore a new generation of language resources which
link and aggregate cognitive behavioural, neuroimaging
measurement data to a shared set of richly annotated
linguistic data.

We plan to attract experts on brain and language, on
language resources, and on big data and machine learning
to look at the potential for collaboration towards
building multiply linked and richly aggregated Linguistic
and Neuro-Cognitive Resources (LiNCR) as well as
methodologies for processing the big data integrated in
LiNCR. The participants will work together to address
format, methodology, as well as legal issues arising from
this highly heterogeneous mix of linguistic, behavioral
and physiological datasets (e.g. EEG, ERP, Eye-movement,
electrodermal activity, fMRI, MEG, as well as behavioral
norms). The issues will range from the ontology for
aggregation of different types of neuro-cognitive data
with linguistic facts to their usage for the evaluation
of NLP tools.

We welcome contributions addressing any of the following
aspects of a new generation of language resources that
link and aggregate neurological behavioral measurement
data to a shared set of richly annotated linguistic data.

*Examples of relevant topics*

- Corpus selection (Mono/Multi-lingual)
- Ontology/framework for linking annotations in different
- Linking experimental results to linguistically
annotated data
- Design for multiple neuro-cognitive experimental
platforms to share same linguistic data set
- Aggregation and normalization of data between
population with special cognitive conditions with normal,
and across different linguistic backgrounds
- Stochastic models for knowledge aggregation.

*Submission formats*

Regular workshop submissions should consist of 4 to 8
pages, references excluded, and they should adopt the
same format of the LREC main conference papers (the
submissions are NOT anonymous). The authors will be asked
whether they prefer an oral or a poster presentation at
submission time.

We also accept as cross-submission papers that might have
been presented in other venues and that are relevant for
the workshop topics. These will not appear in the
conference proceedings and will be presented as posters.
The cross-submissions should consist of abstracts of a
maximum of 400 words (excluding references).

*Important Dates*

Submission Deadline: February 17, 2020
Notification of Acceptance: March 11, 2020
Camera-Ready Papers: April 2, 2020
Workshop Date: May 12, 2020

For more info, see

Barry Devereux, PhD

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
The Institute Of Electronics, Communications And
Information Technology
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science
Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland

Related Resources

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EnergyTech 2025   7th International Conference on Renewable Energy Resources and Sustainable Technologies
ACL 2025   The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
LAW-XIX 2025   The 19th Linguistic Annotation Workshop
LDK 2025   Fifth Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge
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Springer IELR 2025   Springer--2025 2nd International Conference on Innovative Education and Learning Resources (IELR 2025)
CoNLL 2025   29th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning