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CIARP 2010 : 15th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition


Conference Series : Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition
When Nov 8, 2010 - Nov 11, 2010
Where São Paulo, Brazil
Submission Deadline Jun 7, 2010
Notification Due Jul 10, 2010
Final Version Due Aug 1, 2010

Call For Papers

15th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition - CIARP'2010

November 08-11, 2010, São Paulo, Brazil


2nd Call For Papers


Seth Hutchinson
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
The Beckman Institute
University of Illinois

Stéphane Canu
Director of Laboratory LITIS

Alexandre X. Falcão
Professor Doctor
Institute of Computing (IC)
University of Campinas (UNICAMP)

Matthew Turk
Computer Science Department
University of California, Santa Barbara


CIARP'2010 will be held in São Paulo, Brazil, from November 8th to
11th, 2010. This conference is supported by several scientific
associations, including: Cuban Association for Pattern Recognition
(acrp), International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR),
Mexican Association for Computer Vision, Neural Computing and Robotics
(MACVNR), Portuguese Association for Pattern Recognition (APRP),
Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
(AERFAI), Special Interest Group on Pattern Recognition of the
Brazilian Computer Society (SIGPR-SBC), and Chilean Association for
Pattern Recognition (ChAPR).

This conference will be a forum for the exchange of scientific results
and experiences, as well as the sharing of new knowledge, and the
increasing of the co-operation between research groups in pattern
recognition and related areas.


São Paulo ( is the most cosmopolite
Brazilian city, with a broad set of opportunities for cultural life,
shopping, sports, museums, natural resources and restaurants. CIARP
will be held on November 08-11, 2010, Monday-Thursday, so that
attendees and families may visit Brazilian turistic places the
weekends before and after the conference. Examples include Río de
Janeiro and Foz do Iguaçu, which are less than 1 hour flying from São
Paulo. Touristic information, directions, etc. will be available

The CIARP-IAPR Award to the best paper:

We are pleased to announce that an award, consisting of a cash prize
and a certificate, will be given to the author(s) of the Best Paper
registered and presented at CIARP 2010. The aim of this award is to
acknowledge and encourage excellence and originality of new models,
methods and techniques with an outstanding theoretical contribution
and practical application to the field of pattern recognition and/or
data mining. The selection of the winner will be based on the wish of
the author to be considered to the prize, the evaluation and
recommendations from members of the Program Committee and the
evaluation of the CIARP-IAPR Award Committee. This committee,
carefully chosen to avoid conflicts of interest, will evaluate each
nominated paper in a second review process, which will include the
quality of the oral and/or poster presentation.


Topics include, but are not limited to:

Applications of Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision
Data Mining
Databases, Knowledge Bases and Linguistic Tools for Pattern Recognition
Discrete Geometry
Document Processing and Recognition
Fuzzy and Hybrid Techniques in Pattern Recognition
Image Processing and Analysis
Kernel Machines
Logical Combinatorial Pattern Recognition
Mathematical Morphology
Mathematical Theory of Pattern Recognition
Medical Imaging
Natural Language Processing and Recognition
Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition
Parallel and Distributed Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition Principles
Shape and Texture Analysis
Signal Processing and Analysis
Special Hardware Architectures
Statistical Pattern Recognition
Syntactical and Structural Pattern Recognition
Video analysis
Voice and Speech Recognition


Prospective authors are invited to contribute to the conference by
electronically submitting a full paper in English of no more than 8
pages including illustrations, results and references. The accepted
papers must be presented at the conference in English. All submissions
will be peer reviewed for originality, technical content and relevance
to the theme of this conference by members of the Program
Committee. The final acceptance will be based upon double blind peer
review of the full-length paper.

The accepted papers will be included in the proceedings of the
CIARP'2010, which will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science - LNCS.

The papers should be submitted electronically through the submission
option in the CIARP 2010 webpage (

The papers should be prepared following the instructions from Springer
LNCS series. (see,,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html)

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to
register and to present the communication at the conference, if it is


Submission deadline: June 7th 2010
Notification of acceptance: July 10th 2010
Camera ready: August 1st 2010
Conference: November 08-11, 2010


* General Co-Chairs:

Isabelle Bloch
----- Telecom ParisTech - CNRS LTCI - Paris, France

Roberto M. Cesar-Jr.
----- University of São Paulo - USP - São Paulo, Brazil

* Organizing Committee

Carlos Hitoshi Morimoto, USP - Brazil
David Correa Martins Jr., UFABC - Brazil
João Eduardo Ferreira, USP - Brazil
Nina Tomita Hirata, USP - Brasil
Roberto Hirata Jr., USP - Brazil
Ronaldo Hashimoto, USP - Brazil
Yossi Zana , UFABC - Brazil

* Auxiliary Committee

Ana Beatriz V. Graciano, USP - Brazil
Charles Iury, USP - Brazil
Evaldo Oliveira, USP - Brazil
Fabrício Martins Lopes, USP - Brazil
Giseli Ramos, USP - Brazil
Jesus Mena-Chalco, USP - Brazil
Jorge J. G. Leandro, USP - Brazil
Marcelo Hashimoto, USP - Brazil
Silvia C. D. Pinto, USP - Brazil
Thiago T. Santos, USP - Brazil
Vitor Hugo Louzada, USP - Brazil

* Steering Committee.

Alberto Sanfeliu, AERFAI Espana
Alvaro Pardo, APRU Uruguay
Cesar Beltran-Castanon, PAPR Peru
Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, MACVNR Mexico
César Enrique San Martín Salas, UDEC Chile
Helder Araujo, APRP Portugal
Hemerson Pistori, SIGPR-SBC Brazil
Jose Ruiz-Shulcloper, ACRP Cuba
Marta Mejail, SARP Argentina

* Program Committee

Akihiro Sugimoto (National Institute of Informatics-Japan)
Akira Asano (Hiroshima University-Japan)
Alejandro Cesar Frery Orgambide (UFAL-Brazil)
Alessandro Koerich (PUCPR-Brazil)
Allan Hanbury (Information Retrieval Facility-Austria)
Alvaro Pardo (UCU-Uruguay)
Ana María Martínez Enríquez (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Anderson Rocha (UNICAMP-Brazil)
André Gagalowicz (INRIA-France)
André Ponce Leon (USP-Brazil)
Andrea Torsello (UNIVE-Italy)
Andreas Dengel (DFKI-Germany)
Andrew Bagdanov (UAB-Spain)
Angélica Muñoz Meléndez (INAOE-Mexico)
Anna Reali (USP-Brazil)
Antoni Grau (UPC-Spain)
Armando Pinho (UA-Portugal)
Arturo Diaz Pérez (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Arun Ross (West Virginia University-USA)
Atsushi Imiya (Chiba University-Japan)
Aurelio Lopez (INAOE-Mexico)
Aurora Pons-Porrata (CERPAMID-Cuba)
Beatriz Sousa Santos (UA-Portugal)
Berarnardino Castillo Toledo (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Biqin Song (Hubei University-China)
Boris Escalante Ramírez (UNAM-Mexico)
Carlo Sansone (UNINA-Italy)
Carlos Alberto Reyes Garcia (INAOE-Mexico)
Cesar Beltran Castanon (UCSM-Peru)
César Enrique San Martín Salas (UFRO-Chile)
Claudio Castellanos Sánchez (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Claudio M. Debat (UdelaR-Uruguay)
Claudio R. Jung (UFRGS-Brazil)
Da-Chuan Cheng (CMU-China)
David Menotti (UFOP-Brazil)
Dibio Borges (UnB-Brazil)
Eduardo Bayro Corrochano (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Elsa Moschetti (UNRC-Argentina)
Fátima Sombra (UFC-Brazil)
Florence Tupin (Telecom ParisTech-France)
Francesc Ferri (UV-Spain)
Francisco Escolano (University of Alicante-Spain)
Gerard Chollet (Telecom ParisTech-France)
Gernot Fink (TU Dortmund-Germany)
Gunilla Borgefors (University of Uppsala-Sweden)
Gutemberg Guerra Filho (University of Texas at Arlington-USA)
Hans du Buf (UALG-Portugal)
Héctor Allende (UTFSM-Chile)
Heinrich Niemann (Erlangen-Nürnberg University-Germany)
Hélio Pedrini (UNICAMP-Brazil)
Hemerson Pistori (UCDB-Brazil
Herman Gomes (UFCG-Brazil)
Huiyu Zhou (QUB-UK)
Humberto Sossa Azuela (IPN-Mexico)
Ismael López Juárez (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Jacques Facon (PUCPR-Brazil)
Javier Hernando (UPC-Spain)
Jesús A. González Bernal (INAOE-Mexico)
Jingen Liu (University of Michigan-USA)
João Marques (UFCG-Brazil)
João Miguel Raposo Sanches (UTL-Portugal)
João Paulo Papa (UNESP-Brazil)
Joceli Mayer (UFSC-Brazil)
Jordi Gonzàlez (UAB-Spain)
Jorge Rivera-Rovelo (Universidad Anahuac Mayab-Mexico)
José Fco. Martínez-Trinidad (INAOE-Mexico)
José-Miguel Banedí (UPV-Spain)
José Refugio Vallejo (University of Guanajuato-Mexico)
Jose Salvador Sanchez (Universitat Jaume I-Spain)
Josef Bigun (Halmstad University-Sweden)
Josep Llados (UAB & CVC - Spain)
Juan Valentín Lorenzo Ginori (UCLV-Cuba)
Juliana Gambini (UNGS-Argentina)
Jun Zhang (Waseda University-Japan)
Karina Gibert (UPC-Spain)
Karl Tombre (INRIA-France)
Karmele Lopez de Ipiña (EHU-Spain)
Klaus Tönnies (Magdeburg University-Germany)
Laurent Heutte (Université de Rouen-France)
Leopoldo Altamirano (INAOE-Mexico)
Lev Goldfarb (IIS-Canada)
Liangpei Zhang (Wuhan University-China)
Luc Brun (GREYC-France)
Luciano Silva (UFPR-Brazil)
Luciano Vieira Dutra (INPE-Brazil)
Luis Eduardo Falcon (Tecnologico de Monterrey-Mexico)
Luis Enrique Sucar (INAOE-Mexico)
Luis Gerardo de la Fraga (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Luz Abril Torres-Méndez (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
M. Inés Torres (Universidad del País Vasco-Spain)
Manuel Graña Romay (Universidad del País Vasco-Spain)
Manuel Montes-y-Gómez (INAOE-Mexico)
Marcel Brun (UNMdP-Argentina)
Maria Frucci (Istituto di Cibernetica "E.Caianiello"-Italy)
Maria Petrou (CERTH-Greece)
Mario Castelán (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Mario Vento (UNISA-Italy)
Marta Mejail (UBA-Argentina)
Martin Kampel (TUWIEN-Austria)
Max A. Viergever (UU-Netherlands)
Meijuan Yang (CAS-China)
Michal Haindi (UTIA-Czech Republic)
Michel Westenberg (Eindhoven University of Technology-Netherlands)
Miguel Arias Estrada (INAOE-Mexico)
Miguel Moctezuma (UNAM-Mexico)
Nahum Kiryati (Tel Aviv University-Israel)
Nancy Arana (CINVESTAV-Mexico)
Nelson Mascarenhas (UFSCAR-Brazil)
Neucimar Leite (UNICAMP-Brazil)
Nicolas Rougon (Telecom SudParis-France)
Odemir Bruno (USP-Brazil)
Olga Bellon (UFPR-Brazil)
Pedro Pina (IST-Portugal)
Peter Sturm (INRIA-France)
Petia I. Radeva (UAB & CVC-Spain)
Petra Perner (IBAI-Germany)
Pingkun Yan (Philips Research North America-USA)
Pranab Mohanty (Aware-USA)
Qieshi Zhang (Waseda University-Japan)
Reinhard Klette (University of Auckland-New Zealand)
Ricardo Torres (UNICAMP-Brazil)
Robert Sablatnig (Institute of Computer Aided Automation-Austria)
Robert Sabourin (ETSMTL-Canada)
Roberto Rodriguez (ICIMAF-Cuba)
Sang-Woon Kim (Myongji University-South Korea)
Sergio Cano (UO-Cuba)
Shengrui Wang (Université de Sherbrooke-Canada)
Soraia Musse (PUCRS-Brazil)
Susana Ferrero (UNRC-Argentina)
Tadamasa Sawada (Purdue University-USA)
Teófilo de Campos (University of Surrey-UK)
Tin Kam Ho (Bell Labs-USA)
Ulisses Braga-Neto (Texas A&M University-USA)
Vasileios Zografos (Linköping University-Sweden)
Ventzeslav Valev (IMI-Bulgaria)
Vitaly Kober (CICESE-Mexico)
Vittorio Murino (IIT-Italy)
Volodymyr Ponomaryov (IPN-Mexico)
Walter Kosters (LIACS-Netherlands)
Witold Pedrycz (University of Alberta-Canada)
Xianbin Cao (BUAA-China)
Xiaoqiang Lu (CAS-China)
Xiaoyi Jiang (Universität Münster-Germany)
Xiumei Wang (Xidian University-China)
Xuelong Li (University of London-UK)
Yi Tang (CAS-China)
Yung-Kuan Chan (NCHU-Taiwan)
Zoltan Kato (University of Szeged-Hungary)
Zongyi Liu (Amazon-USA)

Related Resources

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