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React Week 2020 : React Week '20


When Jul 14, 2020 - Jul 18, 2020
Where NYC
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2020
Notification Due Mar 15, 2020
Final Version Due Mar 15, 2020
Categories    react   react native   javascript

Call For Papers

Monday, July 13th to Saturday, July 18th, 2020

Make it awesome – submit your proposal!

We are looking for:
- 30-min talks for the 2-track conference on Friday, July 17th at Pier Sixty
- 2-hour mini-workshop for the Master Classes on Wednesday, July 15th
- 10-min talks for the Lightning Talks event on Tuesday, July 14th

Have something interesting to tell about React or its ecosystem?
We love compelling case studies, inspiring success and failure stories, awesome tools and libraries, deep dives and advanced features of React and React Native, and whatever else you feel is relevant for our audience.

***We are specifically looking for Advanced content***

Some ideas for topics:

React, Redux, MobX, GraphQL, ReasonML, Webpack, Rollup, React Native, React360, React internals, best practices, new approaches, experience from a battlefield, cool stuff.

*You can propose multiple talks and edit your CFP later on.

The deadline to submit your proposals is March 15th, 2020 at midnight EST


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