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JOT-SI-ME 2020 : CFP: Models and Evolution - Special Theme @ JOT | |||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||
Journal of Object Technology Special theme on MODELS AND EVOLUTION
*************************** Editors: Dalila Tamzalit, Dalila.Tamzalit@univ-nantes.fr LS2N, Université de Nantes (France) Ludovico Iovino, ludovico.iovino@gssi.it Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy Editor-in-Chief Alfonso Pierantonio (Università degli Studi dell'Aquila) Special Theme Editor Richard Paige (McMaster University) Important Dates : 10th December 2019: submission intent. 15th March 2020: submission deadline 9th May, 2020: initial notification 30th August 2020: second round notification 15th October 2020: final notification. Important information: If a paper is accepted during the review process, authors are notified and the paper will appear online first within 4-6 weeks and can be cited from that point on. At the end of the review process, all accepted papers will be published in the printed issue. About the journal: The Journal of Object Technology welcomes manuscripts describing theoretical, empirical, conceptual, and experimental results in the area of software and language engineering, including: programming paradigms, software language engineering, model-based and model-driven engineering, requirement engineering, software architecture, software validation & verification, software maintenance and evolution, software analytics, software development process and methodology. JOT Journal is a platinum open-access journal, currently indexed by DBLP, Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic Search, SCIRUS, Scientific Commons, DOAJ, Index of IS Journals, and SCOPUS. JOT is registered under ISSN 1660-1769. Presentation: Software artefacts constantly increase in complexity, variety and novelty. Environment and business constraints, user requirements and new insights put additional pressure on their adaptability, availability, reliability and quality: they continuously need to be up to date. But evolution issues are critical, complex and costly to manage. They concern requirements, architecture, design, source code, documentation, integration or deployment. They also typically affect various kinds of models (data, behavioural, domain, source code or goal models). Addressing and managing these varieties of changes is essential. Models and meta-models, the cornerstone of complex software systems’ abstractions, represent a powerful mean for facing software evolution challenges by ensuring a more abstract and expressive modeling of software evolution. They can help and guide software evolution and can enforce and reduce critical risks and important involved resources. This special theme puts the focus on Models and Evolution by considering two main sides: (1) Managing software evolution needs by relying on the high-level abstraction power of models and meta-models. (2) Managing model and metamodel evolution needs and the co-evolution of all related software artefacts by putting attention to their increasing evolution issues as they become primary artefacts. Contributions: Following the successful workshop on Models and Evolution a theme issue of the JOT journal (http://www.jot.fm) has been scheduled. High quality papers are sought on the topic of “Models and Evolution”. Authors of papers presented at the ME workshop are invited to submit extended versions of their accepted papers. The call is also open for novel contributions that fall under the Models and Evolution topics. Topics: Possible types of contributions include but are not limited to: - Formalisms, theories, formal approaches, methods and languages for expressing and understanding model-driven software evolution - Supporting processes and tools for managing model-driven software evolution - (Co-)evolution and (co-)adaptation of models, meta-models and modeling languages; classification of (co-)evolution scenarios - Conformance checking, inconsistency management, synchronization, differencing, comparison, impact analysis of evolving models - Transformation techniques for evolving models: restructuring, refactoring, migration, translation, composition, versioning, etc. - Maintenance and evolution of domain-specific languages - Maintenance and evolution of model transformations - Traceability maintenance, verification, and validation of evolving models, evolving model transformations, and evolving modeling languages; - runtime models - Analysis of model maintainability - Variability management using models - Model-driven software architecture recovery, reverse architecting, reconstruction, migration and software release engineering - Model-based and model-related techniques for legacy systems evolution and systems integration - Reusable evolution solutions and patterns - Evolution issues in new and emerging systems and paradigms (e.g., cyber-security, cyber-physical systems, systems of systems, systems engineering, Internet of Things, cloud computing and its Software, Platform, Infrastructure (SPI) model, data analytics, big data, social media, devices and services, mobile applications, open source software, sustainability and modeling for social good, open architectures, product-line architectures, software ecosystems, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), micro-services, enterprise architectures) - Model-driven software evolution regarding energy-awareness and sustainability - Training, education, and certification around software evolution - State-of-the-art and state-of-practice in software evolution - Empirical studies, industrial needs, experience reports and experiments in software evolution - Tools and methods supporting all of the above topics General author information: - Submitted papers must be written in a scientifically rigorous manner with adequate references to related work. Submitted papers must not be simultaneously submitted in an extended form or in a shortened form to other journals or conferences. It is however possible to submit extended versions of previously published work if less than 75% of the content already appeared in a non-journal publication, or less than 40% in a journal publication. Authors can refer to the JOT Policy guidelines (http://www.jot.fm/authors.html) - Submitted papers should be prepared using the JOT LaTeX template. To the benefit of prospective authors, the JOT LaTeX template is already available on the Overleaf platform ready to use (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/journal-of-object-technology/xnjhpbfvzwyy). Papers not using this format will not be considered for review. JOT does not have fixed page limits, though a typical paper is around 25–30 pages. Lengthier submissions may be considered if justified. (Supporting material, such as extended code examples or full proofs of theorems may be placed in a separate appendix.) - Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Making a submission: - Communicate your intent to submit a paper by emailing the special theme editors the following information before the Intent to Submit deadline: Title, Authors, and an Abstract. - Prepare your submission with LaTeX using the LaTeX templates. The submission format is PDF. - Submit your work using the online submission system manuscript central http://submit.jot.fm/. Instructions and news will be available at this link soon http://www.models-and-evolution.com/2019/jot.html. ___________________________________________________ If you have any questions or require additional information about this theme issue, please contact the editors. |