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Cognitive Computing 2020 : Cognitive Computing with Big Data System over Secure Internet of Things


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Submission Deadline Jan 30, 2020
Categories    cognitive computing   big data   security   internet of things

Call For Papers

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Cognitive computing has broad horizons, which cover different characteristics of cognitive activities. The field is highly transdisciplinary in nature, combining principles, methods, and/or technologies from multiple subjects’ areas, such as: Psychology, computer science, artificial intelligence, computer network communication, linguistics, philosophy, neuroscience, etc.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become a key component for intelligent systems, such as medical systems, intelligent vehicular networks, intelligent building, or smart cities. Low-cost sensing and actuation are available in IoT applications. They enable seamless information exchange and networked interactions of physical and digital objects, such as in personalized human healthcare. This interconnectivity together with large-scale data processing, advanced machine learning, robotics, and new electronic techniques steadily brings innovation and business models of the digital space into the physical world. Secure IoT systems are expected to improve the intelligence of the systems, to improve the interaction between the human and the environment, to enhance reliability, resilience, and agile access control, to improve operational efficiency and energy efficiency, and to optimize resource utilization. Many of the IoT systems and technologies are relatively novel; there are still many untapped applications areas, and numerous challenges and issues that need to be researched further for.

This Special Issue aims for data analysis, knowledge extraction, and decision support solutions based on data technologies and cognitive methods over the secure Internet of Things. This would extend tradition data technologies by incorporating knowledge from domain experts as well as the latest artificial intelligence solutions, such as how to perform medical decision support with the healthcare knowledge and patient data collected by secure IoT systems. The main focus is on research on the latest cognitive computing embedded data technologies to process and to analyse the large amount of data collected through secure IoT systems, and to help human expert decision-making, such as in health care services. Cognitive computing supported data processing facilitates a platform for the scientific community to work for the latest solutions for challenges related to secure IoT application towards smart infrastructure, such as to meet the real-world requirement of healthcare service. We cordially invite investigators to contribute their original research articles, with an emphasis on real-life applications, as well as review articles that will stimulate further activities in this area and improve our understanding of the key scientific problems.

The scope includes (but is not limited to) the following:

Cognitive computing models and prediction analytics (such as for e-health);
Cognitive semantic collective intelligence (such as in medical applications);
Cognitive computing algorithms (such as for smart healthcare systems);
Cognitive design principles and best practices for IoT application development (such as for human health services);
Cognitive reasoning about IoT smart objects (such as for health care);
Cognitive models for big data systems, theory, and applications (such as in e-health);
Cognitive data models (such as for telemedicine);
Edge/fog/IoT for mobile/wireless/pervasive/proactive/personalized service (such as healthcare);
IoT sensors data management;
IoT data mining and analytics (such as for smart medical devices).

Guest Editors

Dr. Xiaochun Cheng
Prof. Ding-Zhu Du
Prof. Arun Kumar Sangaiah
Prof. Rongxing Lu

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