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Blockchain 2019 : 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain and its Applications | |||||||||||||
Link: http://www.isci-conf.org/Blockchain2019/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
================================ Blockchain 2019 ================================
The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain and its Applications (Blockchain 2019) November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/Blockchain2019/ Short Paper Submission Deadline: August 15, 2019 (Firm Deadline) In Conjunction with ================================== iSCI 2019 ==================================== The 7th International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI 2019) November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://isci-conf.org/iSCI2019/ ====================================================================== The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain and its Applications (Blockchain 2019) will provide a forum for both academia and industry professionals to present their latest research findings in different aspects of Blockchain and its Applications. For authors who may not have caught up with submitting regular papers, we also welcome Short Papers reporting on the latest research, design and implementation of applications and systems in the areas of Blockchain and its Applications. Submissions from both industry and academia are strongly encouraged. The Short Papers session will provide a forum to discuss novel ideas and emerging results, presenting innovative applications and tools, and bring about novel research questions, approaches, and directions. Submission Guidelines Short Papers may be 8-10 pages in length, or at most 4 additional pages with the pages overlength charge, including figures, tables, and references. If accepted, Short Papers will be considered for possible publication as Regular Papers in author notifications around August 25, 2019. In other words, we will not differentiate Regular Papers and Short Papers in the conference proceedings. The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by members of the Blockchain 2019 Technical Program Committee. All selected papers will be orally presented in a special conference session. At least one author of each accepted paper must register and attend the conference to present the work. The accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer LNCS (EI Indexed), and will be included in the Digital Library in Springer. Authors are requested to submit original, unpublished manuscripts in standard Springer LNCS proceedings format (https://www.springer.com/cn/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines) through the conference website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=blockchain20190) with PDF format. Submitted papers must include the contact information of all the authors. Please make sure you use the latest version of the templates to prepare your submissions. Due to the short interval between the notification of acceptance and the camera-ready deadline, we strongly encourage authors to follow the camera-ready formatting guidelines as close as possible. ====================================================================== Blockchain and its Applications The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain and its Applications (Blockchain 2019) aims to solicit high-quality contributions on all aspects of Blockchain and its applications to promote frontier research outcomes and accelerate the adoption of this technology in more real-world scenarios. Blockchain 2019 topics include, but are not limited to the following: Digital currencies and Payment System Side Chains and Channels Secure Smart Contracts Legal and Regulatory issues Smart Contract languages & Oracles Decentralized Autonomous Organization Self-Aware Contracts Consortium Blockchains Trusted Execution of Smart Contracts Simulation and Performance Evaluation AI and Smart Contracts Benchmarking Strategies Interoperability & Standardization Game Theory and Blockchain Security, Privacy and Trust Management M2M Communications Blockchain Security & Attack Surface Big Data Analytics Identity Management & Assent Tracking Fault Tolerance Mechanism Distributed Consensus Protocols Scalability & Optimization Zero Knowledge Proofs Blockchain & IoT Blockchain & Smart Home/City Blockchain & Energy Systems Blockchain & Healthcare Blockchain & Industry 4.0 Blockchain & Supply Chain Management Blockchain & Crowdsourcing Blockchain & Mobile Systems Blockchain & Social Networking IMPORTANT DATES Short Paper Submission Deadline: August 20, 2019 (Firm) Author Notification for Short Papers: August 25, 2019 Camera-Ready Paper Due: September 15, 2019 Conference Dates: November 12-15, 2019 PAPER SUBMISSION All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=blockchain20190) with PDF format. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Short Papers must be clearly presented in English, must not exceed 10 pages in Springer LNCS format (or up to 14 pages with the pages over length charge), including tables, figures, references and appendices. Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation assessed by at least three reviewers. Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will register and attend the conference to present the work. Blockchain 2019 reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from the digital library and indexing services), if the paper is not presented at the conference. All accepted papers will be published by Springer LNCS (EI Indexed). One outstanding paper will be selected to receive the Best Paper Award. PAPER PUBLICATION All accepted papers will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (indexed by EI Compendex). Blockchain 2019 reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from the digital library and indexing services), if the paper is not presented at the conference. All accepted papers will be published by Springer LNCS (EI Indexed). Two outstanding papers will be selected to receive the Best Paper Awards. General Chairs Bebo White, SLAC Stanford University, USA Chung-Huang Yang, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan Constantinos Kolias, University of Idaho, USA Program Chairs Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, Japan Yannan Li, University of Wollongong, Australia Yong Yu, Shaanxi Normal University, China Local Organizing Committee Chair Guojun Wang, Guangzhou University, China Publicity Chairs Yizhi Ren, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China Chunhua Su, The University of Aizu, Japan Mir Sajjad Hussain Talpur, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, Pakistan Saqib Ali, Guangzhou University, China Publication Chairs Tao Peng, Guangzhou University, China Fang Qi, Central South University, China Registration Chairs Xiaofei Xing, Guangzhou University, China Pin Liu, Central South University, China Conference Secretariat Wenyin Yang, Foshan University, China Webmasters Tongshuai Cui, Central South University, China Jichun Wei, Guangzhou University, China Steering Committee Kouichi Sakurai, Kyushu University, Japan (Chair) Guojun Wang, Guangzhou University, China (Chair) Saqib Ali, Guangzhou University, China Constantinos Kolias, University of Idaho, USA Yannan Li, University of Wollongong, Australia Yizhi Ren, Hangzhou Dianzi University, China Chunhua Su, The University of Aizu, Japan Bebo White, SLAC Stanford University, USA Chung-Huang Yang, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan Yong Yu, Shaanxi Normal University, China ====================================================================== Keynote Speeches Section* You are welcome to attend 10+ Keynote Speeches offerred by world-renowned professors and industry leaders, which will be shared by the co-located conferences (iSCI 2019 and DependSys 2019) and associated symposiums, workshops and special sessions (TrustData, AEIT, IWCSS, Blockchain, NOPE, INSERT-IoT, BDSC-IoT, FogCom, ITSC, EAIC, CNC, etc). Keynote Speaker 1: Prof. Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA (Fellow of APS (Physics) and Fellow of ACM (Computing)) https://sice.indiana.edu/contact/profile/?profile_id=203 Keynote Speaker 2: Prof. Jie Wu, Temple University, USA (IEEE Fellow) https://cis.temple.edu/~wu/ Keynote Speaker 3: Prof. Jiannong Cao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong (IEEE Fellow) https://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~csjcao/ Keynote Speaker 4: Prof. Sy-Yen Kuo, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, Taiwan (IEEE Fellow) http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~sykuo/ Keynote Speaker 5: Prof. Minyi Guo, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (IEEE Fellow) http://www.cs.sjtu.edu.cn/~guo-my/ Keynote Speaker 6: Prof. Weijia Jia, University of Macau and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China https://www.fst.um.edu.mo/en/staff/jiawj.html Keynote Speaker 7: Prof. Wanlei Zhou, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia https://www.uts.edu.au/staff/wanlei.zhou Keynote Speaker 8: Prof. Richard Hill, University of Huddersfield, UK (IET Fellow) https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/richard-hill Keynote Speaker 9: Prof. Frank Hsu, Fordham University, USA https://www.fordham.edu/info/25112/cis_faculty_and_administration/7484/frank_hsu Keynote Speaker 10: Prof. Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), USA https://business.utsa.edu/faculty/kim-kwang-raymond-choo/ * More Keynote Speeches will be added later. ====================================================================== Special Issues Section** Distinguished papers, after further revisions, will be published in 19+ SCI & ESCI & EI indexed special issues. Special issues will be shared by co-located conferences (iSCI 2019 and DependSys 2019) and associated symposiums, workshops and special sessions (TrustData, AEIT, IWCSS, Blockchain, NOPE, INSERT-IoT, BDSC-IoT, FogCom, ITSC, EAIC, CNC, etc): (1) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (TII) (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 5.43) Special Issue on Trustworthiness in Industrial IoT Systems and Applications http://www.ieee-ies.org/images/files/tii/ss/2019/Trustworthiness_in_Industrial_IoT_Systems_and_Applications_2019-5-22.pdf (2) IEEE Internet of Things Journal (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 5.863) Special Issue on Trust-Oriented Designs of Internet-of-Things for Smart Cities http://ieee-iotj.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/SI_Proposal_Trust_IOT_190508.pdf (3) IEEE Access (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.557) Special Issue on Deep Learning: Security and Forensics Research Advances and Challenges https://ieeeaccess.ieee.org/special-sections/deep-learning-security-and-forensics-research-advances-and-challenges/ (4) IEEE Access (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 3.557) Special Issue on Communication and Fog/Edge Computing Towards Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICVs) https://ieeeaccess.ieee.org/special-sections/communication-and-fog-edge-computing-towards-intelligent-connected-vehicles-icvs (5) ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM) (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.019) Special Issue on Trusted Multimedia for Smart Digital Environments https://tomm.acm.org/Trusted%20Multimedia%20for%20Smart%20Digital%20Environments.pdf (6) Future Generation Computer Systems - Elsevier (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 4.639) Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence: The Security & Privacy Opportunities and Challenges for Emerging Applications Guest Editors: Qin Liu, Guojun Wang, Jiankun Hu, and Jie Wu http://www.journals.elsevier.com/future-generation-computer-systems/ (The webpage hosting this special issue will be available soon.) (7) Computer Communications (COMCOM) - Elsevier (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.613) Special Issue on Software-Defined Disaster Area UAV Communication Networks for Extreme Surveillance https://www.journals.elsevier.com/computer-communications/call-for-papers/uav-communication-networks (8) Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (ETT) - Wiley (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 1.61) Special Issue on Intelligent Resource Management in Cloud Computing and Networking https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/21613915 (9) Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, IOS Press (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 1.114) Special Issue on Recent Advance in Security and Privacy for Smart Society RASPSS19 http://www.cc-pe.net/journalinfo/issues/2019.html#RASPSS19 (10) MDPI Sensors (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.475) Special Issue on Vehicular Sensor Networks: Applications, Advances and Challenges https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/Vehicular_Sensor_Networks (11) MDPI Sensors (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.475) Special Issue on Fog/Edge Computing-Based Smart Sensing System https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/FCSCS (12) MDPI Sensors (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.475) Special Issue on Smart Agricultural Applications with Internet of Things https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/Agricultural_IoT (13) MDPI Sensors (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.475) Special Issue on Threat Identification and Defence for Internet-of-Things https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/Threat_Identification (14) MDPI Electronics (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 2.110) Special Issue on New Advances of Vehicular ad hoc Networks (VANETs) https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/special_issues/VANET (15) MDPI Symmetry (SCI & EI Indexed, Impact Factor: 1.256) Special Issue on Symmetry and Asymmetry Applications for Internet of Things Security and Privacy https://www.mdpi.com/journal/symmetry/special_issues/Symmetry-Asymmetry-Applications-Internet-Things-Security-Privacy (16) MDPI Information (ESCI & EI Indexed) Special Issue on Botnets https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information/special_issues/botnets (17) MDPI Information (ESCI & EI Indexed) Special Issue on Emerging Security and Privacy Issues in IoT-based Smart Networks https://www.mdpi.com/journal/information/special_issues/IoT-based_Smart_Networks (18) International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering (IJCSE) - INDERSCIENCE (ESCI & EI Indexed) http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=IJCSE (19) Journal of High Speed Networks (JHSN), IOS Press (ESCI & EI Indexed) Special Issue on Smart and Secure Integration of Heterogeneous 5G-enabled Industrial IoT Applications https://www.iospress.nl/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/SI_JHSN_2.pdf ** More special issues will be added later. ====================================================================== Co-located Conferences and associated Symposiums/Workshops/Special Sessions Section*** (1) The 7th International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/iSCI2019/ (2) The 5th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.dependsys.org/DependSys2019/ (3) The 10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.spaccs.org/trustdata2019/ (4) The 9th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology (AEIT 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/AEIT2019/ (5) The 3rd International Workshop on Cyberspace Security (IWCSS 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/IWCSS2019/ (6) The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain and its Applications (Blockchain 2018), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/Blockchain2019/ (7) The 7th International Workshop on Network Optimization and Performance Evaluation (NOPE 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.spaccs.org/NOPE2019/ (8) The 2019 International Symposium on Emerging Technologies in the Era of 5G-based Internet of Things (INSERT-IoT 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China https://computing.derby.ac.uk/c/insert-2019/ (9) The 2019 International Workshop on Big Data and Secure Communications in IoT (BDSC-IoT 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://home.sejong.ac.kr/~nkenyereyele/6.html (10) The 2019 International Workshop on Fog Computing Technologies and Applications (FogCom 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://blockchain.whu.edu.cn/fc2019/ (11) The 2019 International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITSC 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://www.ritechs.org/ITSC2019/index.html (12) The 2019 International Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Cyberspace (EAIC 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://wyy.gzhu.edu.cn/EAIC.html (13) The 2019 International Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Computer Networks and Communications (CNC 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://www.dependsys.org/CNC2019/ ** More special issues will be added later. ====================================================================== Co-located Conferences and associated Symposiums/Workshops/Special Sessions Section*** (1) The 7th International Conference on Smart City and Informatization (iSCI 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/iSCI2019/ (2) The 5th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud, and Big Data Systems and Applications (DependSys 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.dependsys.org/DependSys2019/ (3) The 10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.spaccs.org/trustdata2019/ (4) The 9th International Workshop on Assistive Engineering and Information Technology (AEIT 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/AEIT2019/ (5) The 3rd International Workshop on Cyberspace Security (IWCSS 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/IWCSS2019/ (6) The 2nd International Workshop on Blockchain and its Applications (Blockchain 2018), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.isci-conf.org/Blockchain2019/ (7) The 11th International Workshop on Security in e-Science and e-Research (ISSR 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://www.spaccs.org/issr2019/ (8) The 2019 International Symposium on Emerging Technologies in the Era of 5G-based Internet of Things (INSERT-IoT 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China https://computing.derby.ac.uk/c/insert-2019/ (9) The 2019 International Workshop on Big Data and Secure Communications in IoT (BDSC-IoT 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China http://home.sejong.ac.kr/~nkenyereyele/6.html (10) The 2019 International Workshop on Fog Computing Technologies and Applications (FogCom 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://blockchain.whu.edu.cn/fc2019/ (11) The 2019 International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITSC 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://www.ritechs.org/ITSC2019/index.html (12) The 2019 International Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Cyberspace (EAIC 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://wyy.gzhu.edu.cn/EAIC.html (13) The 2019 International Workshop on Emerging Technologies in Computer Networks and Communications (CNC 2019), November 12-15, 2019, Guangzhou, China. http://www.dependsys.org/CNC2019/ *** More Symposiums/Workshops/Special Sessions will be added later. ======================================================================= Contact Please email inquiries concerning Blockchain 2019 to Conference Organizers: Blockchain2019@googlegroups.com Prof. Guojun Wang, Local Organizing Committee Chair of Blockchain 2019 -- ******************************************************************* Dr. Guojun Wang, Pearl River Scholarship Distinguished Professor Director of Institute of Computer Networks, Vice Dean of School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, P. R. China, 510006 Tel/Fax: +86-20-39366920, Mobile: +86-13360581866 Email: csgjwang@gzhu.edu.cn; csgjwang@gmail.com http://ieee-trustcom.org/faculty/~csgjwang/publications.html ******************************************************************* |