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Conference Series : Vision Modeling and Visualization
When Nov 15, 2010 - Nov 17, 2010
Where Siegen, Germany
Abstract Registration Due Jun 21, 2010
Submission Deadline Jun 28, 2010
Notification Due Sep 4, 2010
Final Version Due Sep 27, 2010
Categories    vision   modeling   visualization   graphics

Call For Papers

Vision, Modeling and Visualization are symbiotic disciplines. Although, they
are different in terminology and formalism, they profit from the synergy of
jointly encountered problems and jointly used technologies. Special interest
topics range from image-based modeling and rendering, future directions of
photography, hardware graphics up to medical and information visualization.

Authors are encouraged to submit their recent research results, practice and
experience reports, or novel applications relating to the topics of the VMV
2010 Workshop. Topics may relate to any area in Computer Graphics, Computer
Vision and Visualization.

A non-exclusive list containing the topic scope of the conference is listed

* Animation
* Modeling and Simulation
* Image-based Modeling and Rendering
* Real-time Rendering
* Realistic Rendering
* Statistical Methods, Learning
* 3D Imaging
* Virtual, Mixed, and Augmented Reality
* Geometric Modeling
* Human Computer Interaction
* Medical Image Processing and Visualization
* Volume, Flow, Vector and Tensor Visualization
* Information Visualization
* Image/Video Processing
* Motion Capture and Tracking
* Graphics & Perception
* Multi-Sensor Fusion
* Structure from Motion and Stereo
* Computational Photography
* Optical Flow
* Object Recognition
* Dynamic 3D Acquisition and Processing
* Image and Video Coding
* Applications (medicine, robotics, communications, ...)

This years VMV will be held in cooperation with the Research Training
Group 1564 "Imaging New Modalities" and with the workshop series on
Dynamic 3D imaging (Dyn3D
Therefore, a special session on dynamic and multimodal imaging is planned
and paper submission focusing on the following topics are highly welcome:

* Dynamic 3D Imaging using time-of-flight sensors
* Fusion and information retrieval for multi-modal imaging
* Image processing and analysis for new imaging modalities like THz or
multi-spectral imaging


Submission of abstracts: June 21st, 2010
Submission of full papers: June 28th, 2010
Notification of acceptance: September 04th, 2010
Camera ready due: September 27th, 2010
Workshop: November 15th-17th, 2010


* Andreas Kolb University of Siegen, Germany
* Reinhard Koch Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t Kiel, Germany
* Christof Rezk-Salama Mediadesign Univ. of Applied Sciences,
D?sseldorf, Germany


* Marc Alexa
* Volker Blanz
* Mario Botsch
* Daniel Cremers
* Joachim Denzler
* Oliver Deussen
* Phil Dutre
* Peter Eisert
* Thomas Ertl
* Dieter Fellner
* Wolfgang Foerstner
* Bastian Goldluecke
* Michael Goesele
* Oliver Grau
* Markus Gross
* Thorsten Grosch
* Eduard Gr?ller
* Stefan Gumhold
* Charles Hansen
* Peter Hastreiter
* Hans-Christian Hege
* Wolfgang Heidrich
* Nicolas Holzschuch
* Adrian Hilton
* Kai Hormann
* Joachim Hornegger
* Bernd Jaehne
* Jan Kautz
* Reinhard Klein
* Reinhard Koch
* Andreas Kolb
* Walter Kropatsch
* Hendrik Lensch
* Marcus Magnor
* Heinrich M?ller
* Karol Myszkowski
* Dietrich Paulus
* Marc Pollefeys
* Bernhard Preim
* Szymon Rusinkiewicz
* Gerik Scheuermann
* Andreas Schilling
* Christoph Schnoerr
* Steve Seitz
* Oliver Staadt
* Marc Stamminger
* Eckehard Steinbach
* Robert Strzodka
* Matthias Teschner
* Christian Theobalt
* Holger Theisel
* Thorsten Thormaehlen
* Michael Wand
* Daniel Weiskopf
* R?diger Westermann
* Gabriel Zachmann
* Guenther Greiner
* Hans-Peter Seidel
* Philipp Slusallek
* Joachim Weickert
* Daniel Keim
* Helwig Hauser
* Heidrun Schumann
* Kevin Koeser
* Simon Winkelbach
* Bodo Rosenhahn


Contributions to the workshop must not exceed 8 pages. Please format your
article according to the EG publication style, which can be downloaded under

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by independent reviewers. Accepted
papers will be published as EG proceedings and will be presented orally or as
poster. All authors will be notified about the acceptance or rejection of
their paper after the reviewing process.


In cooperation with:

* Eurographics Association
* Research Training Group 1564 "Imaging New Modalities", funded by the German
Research Foundation (DFG)
* ZESS, Center for Sensor Systems, Siegen

Sponsored by:

* PMD Technologies GmbH, Siegen, Germany

Related Resources

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IVAPP 2025   16th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
IJCGA 2024   International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
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SIMUL 2025   The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Modeling and Simulation