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CSITS 2019 : 2nd International Workshop on Cyber Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems


When Sep 26, 2019 - Sep 27, 2019
Where Luxembourg
Submission Deadline May 30, 2019
Notification Due Jun 30, 2019
Final Version Due Jul 9, 2019
Categories    cyber security   transportation systems   machine learning

Call For Papers



Workshop on Cyber Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (CSITS) 2019
co-located with the European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)

September 26-27, 2019, Luxembourg


Workshop Website:


Ever since humanity invented transportation systems, it has also introduced new problems, previously unknown. After inventing a boat, it was clear that a life saving device must be invented as well. After inventing a car, it was clear that safety belt, as well as airbags are the new necessity.
Today's boats and cars are being rapidly digitalized, thus introducing even more advanced problems. Similarly, today's digital life saving devices and safety belts, are digital as well.
The physical problems that were affiliated for many decades with the transportation domain, are now spilling out into the digital realm. It is therefore expected, that the solutions to such new problems will emerge within the digital domain as well.

Since the modern vehicles, whether they drive, sail or fly, are being more and more digitalized, they are also inheriting the cyber-security problems, previously associated purely with the digital domain. The intersection between physical and digital is being blurred, and smart transportation is located at the center of this metamorphosis.

Moreover, some of the security problems forged by the collision of digital and physical realms, introduce cyber security phenomena, which are unique to intelligent transportation, and may cost human lives.

It is therefore critical to address the emerging cyber security related problems, which may be inflicted upon the various phases of smart transportation.

This workshop aims to bring together the latest research of cyber security with respect to different segments and phases of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Important information

Submission link:
Paper submission deadline: May 30, 2019
Acceptance notification: June 30, 2019
Camera ready due: July 09, 2019 (hard deadline)
Workshop: September 26-27, 2019

Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Autonomous vehicle (land, sky and sea) cyber security
- Deep learning in avionic system and intelligent drones
- Security of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks of vehicles (MANET, VANET, etc)
- Autonomous driving security
- Adversarial AI and sensor attacks (e.g. fooling image recognition) in autonomous vehicles
- V2X security
- Security of vehicles’ communication channels (CAN BUS, ARINC-664, etc.)
- Traffic management and security of UAVs
- ADS-B security.


Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that have been simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions should be at most 16 pages long (full paper), or 8 pages (short paper) including the bibliography and appendices, and should follow the LNCS style.
Submissions are to be made to the submission web site (will be available soon) in pdf format. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the workshop; otherwise the paper will not be included in the proceedings.

Submission link:

For questions about the submission process, please contact the
workshop co-chairs.

Workshop Chairs
- Yuval Elovici, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
- Asaf Shabtai, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

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