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SSD 2010 : 7th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices


When Jun 27, 2010 - Jun 30, 2010
Where Amman, Jordan
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    systems   signals   devices

Call For Papers

On behalf of the organizers of the International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals & Devices, it is our honour to invite you to the 7th edition, SSD'10.

The Seventh International Multi-Conference on System, Signal and Devices (SSD'10) will be held in Amman-Jordan, and will be organized by Philadelphia University (Jordan) University of Sfax (Tunisia), Chemnitz University of Technology (Germany) and Narvik University (Norway) in June 2010.

The International Multi-Conference on Systems signals & Devices traditionally brings together outstanding researchers in different fields of the electrical engineering departments from the leading research centres and universities around the world. We are determined to keep this good tradition alive and we are convinced that the conference in Jordan will create a unique opportunity to renew and strengthen our academic contacts.

SSD conferences have been held in Tunisia biennially from 2001 to 2007. Since then, a decision has been made to organize SSD annually such that it is held in Tunisia during odd years and in another country during even years. Following the success of SSD'08 in Amman-Jordan, SSD'10 will again be organized in Amman.

Jordan has a developed tourism infrastructure with a plethora of luxury hotels and resorts, advanced transport infrastructure, a wide range of activities and cultural events, spas and numerous tour operators operating in the country. All these advantages in addition to its well known hospitality, have made of Jordan a highly attractive country. Its major tourist activities include visiting ancient sites (like the worldwide famous Petra), the Dead Sea and unspoilt natural locations, as well as observing cultural and religious sites and traditions.

Several cultural and tourist events will be organized during the conference. We believe it is a good way of getting you and your accompanying persons acquainted with different sites of Jordan.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Amman.
General Co-Chairman

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