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ICECS 2010 : 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and SystemsConference Series : International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems | |||||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.icecs2010.org/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sponsored by IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) 12-15 December 2010 Athens, Greece http://www.icecs2010.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS The IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS) is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society in Region 8 of IEEE (Europe, Middle East, and Africa). It annually presents papers from the whole world on design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electronics, circuits, and systems topics. ICECS 2010 will include tutorials, regular sessions (lecture and poster), special sessions, and exhibitions. Lecture and poster sessions will be treated equally in terms of review process. Prospective authors are invited to submit via the conference website their 4-page full papers reporting original work, as well as proposals for special sessions and tutorials, in all areas of electronics, circuits, and systems. While the conference proceedings will be available on IEEEXplore, a special issue based on a selection of presented papers will be published in The Analogue Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing International Journal. Authors are expected to present their papers at the conference. TOPICS ------------ ICECS 2010 will include sessions on all aspects of the fields of electronics circuits and systems, including analog and digital electronics, solid-state, power, high-speed, automotive, biomedical, digital signal processing. Topics include, but are not limited to: * Advanced Technologies (Nano, MEMS) * High-frequency Electronics * Analog Circuits and Signal Processing * Industrial Automation * Analog/Digital VLSI Design * Neural Network Circuits and Systems * Analog/Digital/Mixed Signal Testing * Nonlinear Circuits and Systems * Antennas and Propagation * Photonic and Optoelectronic Circuits * Assembly and Packaging * Photovoltaic Cells * Biomedical Circuits and Systems * Power Electronics * Control Systems and Applications * RF and Wireless Circuits and Systems * Communication Circuits and Systems * Sensing and Sensor Networks * Computer Aided Network Design * Signal and Image Processing * Design Automation * System Integration (SoC, Mixed-Signal) * Device Characterization/ Modeling * Systems Architectures and Applications * Digital Circuits and Signal Processing * Test and Reliability * Electronics and Society * Telecommunications and Multimedia * Emerging and Innovative Technologies IMPORTANT DATES --------------------------- Submission of Tutorials/Special Sessions July 1, 2010 Submission of regular 4-page papers July 15, 2010 Notification of Paper Acceptance September 25, 2010 Submission of Camera Ready Papers October 10, 2010 Author(s) registartion October 10, 2010 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ---------------------------------- General Chair Thanos Stouraitis Univ. of Patras, Greece Technical Program Co-Chairs Enrico Macii Politechnico di Torino, Italy Vassilis Paliouras Univ. of Patras, Greece Tutorials Co-Chairs Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske Portland State University, USA Mohamad Sawan Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal , Canada Special Sessions Co-Chairs Pau Choo (Julia) Chung National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Alex Birbas Univ. of Patras, Greece Plenary Talks Co-Chairs George Gielen K.U.Leuven, Belgium Angel Rodriguez-Vazquez Univ. of Seville, Spain Publications Co-Chairs Mohamed Ismail The Ohio State Univ., USA Vangelis Dermatas Univ. of Patras, Greece Finances George Theodoridis Univ. of Patras, Greece Publicity Thanos Kakarountas Tech. Educational Institute of Ionian Islands , Greece Conference Organization Meetingplanner.gr CONTACT -------------- ICECS 2010 Conference Secretariat info@icecs2010.org |