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NeSy 2018 : Thirteenth International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning


When Aug 23, 2018 - Aug 24, 2018
Where Prague
Submission Deadline Jun 11, 2018

Call For Papers

The International Workshop series on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy) will come to Prague in August 2018 as part of the Multi-conference on Human-level AI (HLAI 2018).

Having started in Edinburgh at IJCAI 2005, NeSy is the premier event worldwide for the study and integration of neural computation and symbolic AI. Deep networks now offer the state-of-the-art for a large number of perceptual tasks such as image and speech recognition, and for complex games, having achieved impressive super-human levels of proficiency at the games of Go and Chess recently.

It is generally accepted though that AI requires a bridge from perception to cognition, including an ability to address a number of high-level cognitive tasks, typically associated with symbolic systems, such as reasoning, planning, abstraction, explanation, transfer learning and knowledge consolidation.

We invite submissions of novel research and practice papers addressing any of the aspects of neurosymbolic integration: representation of symbolic knowledge by neural networks, structured learning and relational learning in neural networks, reasoning in neural networks, knowledge extraction and distilling, neural-symbolic cognitive models and agents, and applications of neurosymbolic systems in robotics, simulation, fraud prevention, planning, natural language processing, semantic web, software engineering, autonomous systems verification, multimodal and online learning, semi-supervised and reinforcement learning, fault-tolerant computing, data science and analytics, bioinformatics, visual intelligence, etc.

In its 13th edition, following also two successful Dagstuhl seminars in 2014 and 2017, and the sister Cognitive Computation symposium series at NIPS, NeSy will take the shape of a 3-day conference with an associated journal publication in the prestigious IfCoLog Journal of Applied Logic (JAL). As in all previous editions (c.f., NeSy will bring together world-leading academics and practitioners, including keynote and invited talks, contributed papers and a round table discussion, to present the latest results in neurosymbolic computing.

Authors of contributed papers are encouraged to use the LaTex article style, a 12pt font, and to submit a paper with no more than 12 pages plus references.

Papers should be submitted as electronic attachments in pdf format by email to the College Publications managing director, Ms Jane Spurr ( The email message should include the author(s) names and affiliations, the title of the paper and the name of the NeSy'18 co-chair best suited to handle the submission. Please use the phrase "NeSy18 JAL submission" in the subject line.

The paper submission deadline is June 11, 2018.

Accepted papers must be presented at the conference. Feedback will be provided in writing by the programme committee and verbally at the conference, and is expected to be incorporated into the final version of the paper for publication in the JAL. Since the journal is online, papers will be published as soon as they are ready.

Late breaking papers can be submitted for presentation at the conference by 01/08/2018. Such papers may be accepted for publication at the JAL following a second round of reviews after the conference.

Programme Co-chairs: Artur d'Avila Garcez, Tarek Besold.

Keywords: neurosymbolic computing, neural networks, machine learning, knowledge representation and reasoning.

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