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LADC 2018 : Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing


Conference Series : Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing
When Oct 8, 2018 - Oct 10, 2018
Where Foz do Iguaçu
Submission Deadline Jun 29, 2018
Notification Due Aug 10, 2018
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2018
Categories    distributed systems   fault-tolerance   computer networks   dependability

Call For Papers

LADC looks for works exploring new territory, continuing a significant research, or reflecting on practical experience. The main track at LADC 2018 is soliciting original, unpublished research papers in three categories: (1) full research (regular) papers, (2) practical experience reports, and (3) short papers. Full research manuscripts should explore technology problem and propose a complete solution with results. Practical experience reports are expected to provide an in-depth exposition of practitioner experience and empirical studies. Short papers should present preliminary research work (position papers), or a prototype/tool description, outlining the architecture, implementation and usage of substantive operational systems or tools for the research and practice of dependable and secure systems. Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category.

All aspects of dependable and secure computer systems and systems of systems are within the scope of LADC, including fault tolerant architectures, protocols and algorithms, models for performance, dependability and security evaluation, as well as, experimentation and assessment of dependable and secure systems. Authors are invited to submit original papers on all aspects of research and practice on creating, validating, deploying, and maintaining dependable and secure systems.

Major topics include, but are not limited to:

Frameworks and software architectures for dependability, runtime monitoring, adaptation, model-driven engineering for the design of dependable and secure systems, testing, verification & validation, software certification.
Dependability and security of cyber-physical systems and systems of systems, communication networks and protocols, data storage and databases.
Dependability and human issues, human-computer interaction, management of complex systems.
Security foundations, policies, protocols, access control, intrusion detection, intrusion tolerance.
Safety-critical systems and applications, incidents & accidents, risk perception, analysis and management.
Dependability and security modeling, measurement and benchmarking.
Maintenance, tuning of performance and availability, security configuration.

Important Dates

Regular Papers and Practical Experience Reports and Short Papers:
Abstract submission: June, 29th 2018 (firm)
Full paper submission: June, 29th 2018 (firm)
Author notification: August, 10th 2018
Camera Ready: September, 1st 2018

Student Forum:
Paper submission: August 10th, 2018
Author notification: September 7th, 2018
Camera Ready: September 28th, 2018

Submission Guidelines

Papers must be written in English. Research Papers, Practical Experience Reports, and Short Papers should be respectively no longer than 10 pages, 6 pages and 4 pages, following the IEEE two-column format for conference proceedings. The category of the paper should be clearly marked in the first page. Authors are requested to first register their submissions and then submit their manuscripts in PDF format at the JEMS webpage (

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