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WAIM 2010 : The 11th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management


Conference Series : Web-Age Information Management
When Jul 15, 2010 - Jul 17, 2010
Where Jiuzhaigou Valley, China
Abstract Registration Due Jan 22, 2010
Submission Deadline Jan 29, 2010
Notification Due Mar 31, 2010
Final Version Due Apr 9, 2010
Categories    databases   web

Call For Papers

The 11th International Conference on Web-Age
Information Management (WAIM 2010)

WAIM is a leading international conference for researchers, practitioners,
developers and users to share and exchange cutting-edge ideas, results,
experience, techniques and tools in connection with all aspects of Web data
management. As the 11th event in the increasingly popular series, WAIM
2010 expects to attract outstanding researchers from all over the world to
Jiuzhaigou - the world famous beautiful nature reserve (a UNESCO World
Heritage Site) in China, and continues to establish the status of WAIM as one
of the major conferences on Web-based information systems.

WAIM 2010 includes but is not limited to the following areas:
* Advanced application of databases
* Content management
* Cloud computing
* Caching and replication
* Data and information quality control
* Data management on new hardware
* Data mining and knowledge discovery
* Data management for mobile and pervasive computing
* Data warehousing and OLAP
* Deep Web
* Digital libraries
* Fuzzy, Probabilistic, and Uncertain Data
* Grid computing
* Information extraction
* Information integration and heterogeneous systems
* Information retrieval
* Multimedia information systems
* P2P systems performance and benchmarking
* Parallel and distributed database systems
* Processing of noisy informal web data
* Query processing and optimization
* Semantic web and web ontology
* Security, privacy and trust
* Sensor networks
* Service-oriented computing
* Spatial and temporal databases
* Stream data processing
* Storage management and access methods
* Web-based collaboration
* Web advertising and community analysis
* Web mining
* Web search and meta-search
* Web service and information management
* Workflow and E-services
* XML and semi-structured

WAIM 2010 invites papers describing original contributions in all fields of
Web Management and WWW related research and applications. All
submissions should be in English. Submission of a paper should be regarded
as an undertaking that, should the paper be accepted, at least one author
will attend the conference to present the work.

The proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series, one
volume for main conference and one volume for workshops, and both will be
indexed by EI. A selected number of the accepted papers will be expanded
and revised for possible publications in major International Journals.

In addition to technical contributions, WAIM 2010 invites proposals for
workshops, panels, tutorials, industry presentations. For workshops, WAIM
2010 will provide administrative support for workshop room booking,
registration, and publication. All papers accepted by WAIM 2010 workshops
will be published in a combined volume of Lecturer Notes in Computer
Science series published by Springer.

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