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PDEIHE 2017 : Practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Twenty-First-Century Honors Education


When Oct 25, 2017 - Oct 27, 2017
Where Bowling Green State University, OH
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2017
Notification Due Jul 1, 2017

Call For Papers

The Honors College at Bowling Green State University invites proposals for individual paper, panel, roundtable, workshop, and poster sessions for a conference on “Practicing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Twenty-First-Century Honors Education,” to be held October 25 - 27, 2017, on the main campus of Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio.

Across the nation, Honors Programs and Colleges typically demonstrate a marked commitment to fostering and supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion both in and beyond the classroom. Yet honors education consistently is critiqued for its lack of diversity. For instance, admission standards to Honors Programs and Colleges often significantly limit minoritized student involvement. Even when minoritized students are admitted to Honors Programs and Colleges, often such students do not complete an honors education due to lack of academic preparation, negative internal or/and external perceptions of “a typical honors student,” lack of support networks, or some other reason that speaks profoundly to the lack of diversity, equity, and inclusion in twenty-first-century honors education. Furthermore, an exclusive curriculum like the Great Books tradition might discourage minoritized student and faculty involvement, and often this lack of involvement is further exacerbated by inaccessible curriculum design or/and alienating pedagogical practices.

This two-day conference will focus on specific practices in honors education that are designed to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion. Submissions that address diversity, equity, and inclusion practices in one or more of the following areas of Honors education are especially welcome:
•Admissions / Recruitment
•Academic Advising
•Mentoring and Support Networks
•Student Life
•Curriculum Design
•Program/College Administration

While not exhaustive, some questions presenters might consider in the preparation of their proposals include: How do we incorporate diversity, equity, and inclusion more meaningfully into honors education? Can these ideas be taught, or must they be modeled, experienced, or practiced? And what roles might students, administrators, advisors, admissions staff, and faculty play in fostering greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in honors education?

Guide for Authors

The deadline to submit proposals for individual paper, panel, roundtable, workshop, and poster sessions is 1 June 2017. Proposals should be 300 – 500 words and should indicate clearly the relevance of the presentation to the conference theme as well as the preferred session format. To submit a proposal, please visit

We welcome submissions from undergraduate Honors students, as well as graduate students and faculty from across the disciplines, and administrators and staff of Honors Programs and Honors Colleges.

Important Dates
Deadline for submission: 1 June 2017
Notification of acceptance: 1 July 2017

Session Formats

Individual papers are research and position papers that challenge current assumptions and provoke conference participants to think creatively about diversity, equity, and inclusion issues facing honors education. Papers may report the results of completed research, describe research in progress, or present a position on a compelling problem or issue relevant to one or more of the subtopics suggested in the call for papers. The paper must be delivered in a maximum of 20 minutes, including time for Q&A, and presenters are expected to discuss their ideas rather than read their papers. We will accept individual papers or complete panels of three presenters on a common theme. Papers submitted individually will be grouped with others on a common theme and will be allocated 20 minutes as part of a 60-minute session.

Poster sessions provide an opportunity for informal, interactive presentation, and discussion of diverse topics related to the conference theme. Authors are invited to submit proposals related to innovative projects, best practices, and original research findings. Posters should be eye-catching visual representations of a topic, including graphics, tables, charts, text, or/and images. Proposals should include a brief abstract, place an emphasis on the unique value of the work, and summarize contributions or results being presented. A maximum of two presenters per poster is recommended. The selection committee will evaluate proposals primarily on their potential to stimulate interesting discussion, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and promote collaboration across varied functional areas.

Roundtables are small, informal group discussions that give attendees the opportunity to exchange information, discuss best practices, and network with others around common themes and issues. Discussion facilitators should identify and develop a topic that will allow participants to discuss how they are dealing with specific issues around diversity, equity, and inclusion at their institutions. Roundtable discussions are 60 minutes and are limited to approximately twelve individuals per table, including participants and facilitator(s). Individuals submitting roundtable proposals should address the topics to be covered, their importance to practicing diversity, equity, and inclusion in honors education, and three questions they would use to keep the discussion moving.

Workshops offer active and in-depth learning on a topic related to the conference theme. Participants will engage an issue, learn a new skill, or develop an action plan or other activity where hands-on learning is integral. Proposals should allow for significant involvement and contribution to the learning process from the participants. Proposals will be selected for the conference based on the timeliness of the topic, the stated learning outcomes, interactive exercise(s), and the degree of active learning expected. In order to ensure that the sessions really are “hands-on” and provide participants with a tangible skill or action plan by the end of the session, submissions must include an example of an activity you plan to provide as part of the workshop. The description of the activity can be included as part of the long description. The learning experience should excite and encourage the participants to take risks, question assumptions, and fully engage in the learning process. Participants should leave the session with information to share with their home institutions. Sessions may be limited in terms of number of participants in order to provide a meaningful environment for active learning.

Finally, we welcome proposals for presentations in alternative session formats, such as performance, readings, artistic presentations, etc.


For any inquiries regarding the conference or/and proposal submission process, please contact: Kacee Ferrell Snyder at

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