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IWCT 2016 : 5th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing


When Apr 10, 2016 - Apr 10, 2016
Where Chicago, USA
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2016
Categories    combinatorial testing   software testing   feature models   software quality

Call For Papers

We invite submissions of high-quality papers presenting original work on both theoretical and experimental aspects of combinatorial testing.

Topics of interest for papers or posters include, but are not limited to:

* **Combinatorial testing workflow**
* Modeling the input space for CT
* Efficient algorithms to generate t-way test suites, especially involving support of constraints
* Determination of expected system behavior for each test case
* Executing CT test suites
* Combinatorial testing based fault localization
* Implementation of CT with existing testing infrastructures
* Handling changes in test requirements

* **Real-world experience in deployment of combinatorial testing**
* Empirical studies and feedback from practical applications of CT
* Evaluation and ROI metrics to assess the degree of usefulness of CT
* Methodology used for test space modeling and determination of interaction coverage requirements
* Discussion of challenges and open problems in the application of CT in industrial settings

* **Applicability of combinatorial testing**
* Comparison and combination of CT with other dynamic verification methods
* Study of failure records to determine the kind of CT which may have detected faults
* Combinatorial testing for concurrent and real-time systems
* Cloud computing systems testing and use of combinatorial methods in cloud architecture
* Application of CT in other domains, e.g. biotech applications, mechanical engineering, security, etc.
* Combinatorial testing, feature models, and software product lines

* **Combinatorial and complementing methods**
* Combinatorial analysis of existing test suites
* Test plan reduction and completeness
* CT and coverage metrics – combining the two, and studying the relationship between them

Related Resources

IWCT 2025   14th International Workshop on Combinatorial Testing
IJGCA 2025   International Journal of Grid Computing & Applications
ICTSS 2025   37th International Conference on Testing Software and Systems
ICSEA 2025   The Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering Advances
IJAIT 2025   International Journal of Advanced Information Technology
VALID 2025   The Seventeenth International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle
SEA 2025   14th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications
EvoCOP 2025   Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization
IJSC 2025   International Journal on Soft Computing
ICST 2025   International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation