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Cancer Metabolism 2015 : Cancer Metabolism Conference


When Nov 16, 2015 - Nov 17, 2015
Where San Francisco, CA
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    biotechnology

Call For Papers

We invite you to the Cancer Metabolism Conference, November 16-17, 2015 in San Francisco, CA. Though the field of cancer metabolism has existed for years, only recently have researchers begun to uncover the biological nature of metabolic changes in cancer cells. Research has been aimed at inhibiting key enzymes in cancer cell-specific metabolic pathways as therapeutic targets.

The conference program will cover various research areas in the field, such as autophagy, metabolism and redox, and target validation, but all underpin the question: Is it possible to target cancer metabolism for cancer therapy? Presentations will focus on basic biology research and applications in the clinic, and highlight programs that are in the drug discovery phase.

Sessions include:
I. Mitochondrial Metabolism
II. Metabolic Regulation of Epigenetics
III. Metabolic Stress and Cancer Metabolism
IV. Cancer Metabolism In Vivo
V. Redox Reaction in Metabolism
VI. Therapeutic Targets in Cancer Cell Metabolism

This meeting seeks to provide a balanced and informative perspective on the field of cancer metabolism by bringing together speakers and attendees from both academia and industry. We hope to see you there!

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