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SemWiki 2009 : 4th Workshop on Semantic Wikis: The Semantic Wiki Wiki Web


Conference Series : Semantic Wiki Workshop
When Jun 1, 2009 - Jun 1, 2009
Where Heraklion, Greece
Submission Deadline Mar 4, 2009
Notification Due Apr 4, 2009
Final Version Due Apr 18, 2009
Categories    semantic web   wiki   web 2.0

Call For Papers

Fourth Workshop on Semantic Wikis
The Semantic Wiki Web [SemWiki2009]
co-located with ESWC 2009, Heraklion, Crete

Supported by the EU Project KiWi - Knowledge in a Wiki

Goals and Motivation

Wikis are a major success of Web 2.0. They are used for a large number of
purposes, such as encyclopedias, project documentation, and
coordination, both in open communities and in enterprises. Wikis have
demonstrated how it is possible to transform a community of strangers into
a community of collaborators. By integrating Semantic Web technologies,
semantic wikis one the one hand allow this new community of contributors
to produce formalized knowledge readable by machines and on the other hand
support the users in ways ordinary wikis are not capable of, e.g. by
personalisation, integration with other services, and reasoning. Authoring
and usage of informal and formal data take place in the same system,
leading to instant gratification. Some systems simply tag existing wiki
content, others are full-fledged ontology editors, but the majority
covers the large scale between informal and fully formalized content,
guiding users from informal knowledge contained in texts to more formal

Semantic wikis are a very promising way to establish a partnership between
human and automated collaborators, creating communities for collaborative
knowledge building and sharing. Some important steps have already been
achieved with systems that are already adopted outside of the original
Semantic Web community. Semantic wikis are thus even now a major success
story of the Semantic Web and a reference that combines the advantage of
Web 2.0 and the Web of data and have the potential to significantly
contribute to the adoption of semantic technologies throughout the Web.

The goal of this workshop is to study how interactions within a semantic
wiki between humans and between humans and machines can help both parties
to collaboratively produce and share knowledge that is usable for human and
computers. As semantic wikis contain many of the core Semantic Web
challenges in an integrated fashion, we are also concerned about contributing
results obtained in semantic wiki "petri dishes" to the overall Semantic Web

Workshop Audience and Topics

We want to bring together researchers and practitioners active in the
development and application of traditional and semantic wiki systems, as
well as researchers interested in knowledge acquisition in general and in
computer supported cooperative work. This includes researchers working on
semantic portals, personal and enterprise knowledge management systems
and ontology authoring. We address researchers working on (but not limited

* Applications of semantic wikis in
- e-science and e-learning
- software and knowledge engineering
- enterprise workflows and knowledge management
- personal knowledge management
- ... and other fields
* Integration and reuse of semantic wikis or (semantic) wiki content:
- integrations with other semantic applications; mashups
- wikis and Linked Open Data; scaling wikis to the web
- giving semantics to non-semantic wikis (e.g. Wikipedia)
- reusing semantics gained from wikis (e.g. DBpedia)
* Human and social factors of semantic wikis
- usability studies, empirical studies, analyses of semantic wiki
contributors and their contributions
- overcoming entrance barriers, giving incentives for contributing
- connecting knowledge and social interaction
- community building
* Knowledge representation and reasoning in semantic wikis
- combining formal and informal knowledge, transforming informal to
formal knowledge, making formal knowledge accessible
- coping with inconsistencies
- change management, truth maintenance, versioning, and undoing semantic
- utilizing emerging knowledge models
- semantic wikis for rapid prototyping of schema-driven applications
- collaborative ontology engineering with wikis
* Technologies for semantic wikis
- privacy: permissions, trust, licensing, access control
- browsing, navigating, visualizing semantically enhanced linked data
- distributed semantic wikis: offline/distributed/real-time/multi-
synchronous editing
- innovative plugins and extensions for existing systems
(e.g. Semantic MediaWiki)

Organisation Committee
* Christoph Lange, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany
* Sebastian Schaffert, Salzburg Research, Austria
* Hala Skaf-Molli, INRIA-Nancy University, France
* Max Völkel, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

Programme Committee

* David Aumüller, Universität Leipzig (DE)
* Sören Auer, Universität Leipzig (DE)
* Joachim Baumeister, Universität Würzburg (DE)
* Björn Decker, IESE (DE)
* Sebastian Dietzold, Universität Leipzig (DE)
* Ludger van Elst, DFKI (DE) - pending
* Michael Erdmann, Ontoprise (DE)
* Herman Geuvers, Radboud Univ. Nijmegen (NL)
* Tudor Groza, DERI (IE)
* Fabian Gandon, INRIA - Edelweiss (FR)
* Siegfried Handschuh, DERI (IE)
* Martin Hepp, UniBW München (DE)
* Malte Kiesel, DFKI (DE)
* Michael Kohlhase, Jacobs University Bremen (DE)
* Tobias Kuhn, Universität Zürich (CH)
* Pascal Molli, Nancy Univerity, INRIA (FR)
* Christine Müller, Jacobs University Bremen (DE)
* Claudia Müller, Universität Stuttgart (DE)
* Amedeo Napoli, CNRS, LORIA (FR)
* Viktoria Pammer, Know-Center Graz (AT)
* Jochen Reutelshöfer, Universität Würzburg (DE)
* Jean Rohmer, Thales (FR)
* Matthias Samwald, Semantic Web Company (AT)
* Daniel Schwabe, University of Rio de Janeiro (BR)
* Elena Simperl, STI Innsbruck (AT)
* Harold Solbrig, Mayo Clinic (US)
* Steffen Staab, Universität Koblenz-Landau (DE)
* Jakob Vo√ü, GBV Göttingen (DE)
* Friedel Völker, City Wiki Pforzheim-Enz (DE)
* Peter Yim, CIM Engineering Inc. (US)
* Alicia Diaz,LIFIA, Fac Informatica, UNLP (ARG)
Further invitations are planned.

Submission and Proceedings

We invite the following different kinds of contributions:
* full research or application papers (15 pages) describing recent research
outcomes, mature work, prototypes, applications, or methodologies;
authors of accepted full papers will be able to present their work in a 20
minute talk at the workshop
* short position papers (5-10 pages) describing early work and new ideas
that are not yet fully worked out; authors of short papers will be able to
present their work in a 5-10 minute lightning talk at the workshop
* demo outlines (5 pages) describing the demonstration of a software
prototype in the poster and demo session during the workshop
* poster descriptions (2 pages) outlining a poster to be presented in the
poster and demo session during the workshop

Independently of the type of submission, all papers should be formatted
according to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format.
For complete details on this issue see Springer's Author Instructions at Papers will be
submitted using the EasyChair system. Access to EasyChair will be given in
time on the workshop homepage (

In addition to ordinary submissions, all attendees of the workshop are
encouraged to informally present their work in an open space session during
the workshop if they are not (yet) able to submit a description of their
work or to also discuss more recent work that has been done after the
submission deadline of the workshop.

In case of questions, feel free to contact any of the organisers

Related Resources

NLPAI 2025   3rd International Conference on NLP & AI
IJWesT 2025   International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology
KG4SDSE 2025   KG4SDSE@CAISE 2025 : 3rd Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Semantics-driven Systems Engineering @ CAiSE 2025
EMSA 2025   14th International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications
IJESA 2025   International Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
SemTech4STLD 2025   SemTech4STLD25: Third International Workshop on Semantic Technologies and Deep Learning Models for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data Extended Semantic Web Conference 2025
IJDMS 2025   International Journal of Database Management Systems
ICEEE 2025   8th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering
NBIoT 2025   6th International Conference on Networks, Blockchain and Internet of Things