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WESS 2014 : Workshop on Embedded Systems Security


When Oct 12, 2014 - Oct 12, 2014
Where New Delhi, Inda
Submission Deadline Jul 13, 2014
Notification Due Aug 25, 2014
Final Version Due Sep 5, 2014
Categories    embedded systems   security

Call For Papers

9th Workshop on Embedded Systems Security (WESS 2014)
A Workshop of the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK 2014)
October 12, 2014 (Tentative)
New Delhi, India

About WESS
Embedded computing systems are continuously adopted in a wide range of application areas and
importantly, they are responsible for a large number of safety-critical systems as well as
for the management of critical information. The advent of Internet-enabled embedded systems
introduces a large number of security issues: the Internet can be used to attack embedded
systems and embedded systems can be used to attack the Internet. Furthermore, embedded
systems are vulnerable to many attacks not relevant to servers because they are physically
accessible. Inadvertent threats due to bugs, improper system use, etc. can also have effects
that are indistinguishable from malicious attacks.

This workshop will address the range of problems related to embedded system security.
Of particular interest are security topics that are unique to embedded systems.
The workshop will provide proceedings to the participants and will encourage discussion
and debate about embedded systems security.

Topics of Interest
- Trust models for secure embedded hardware and software
- Isolation techniques for secure embedded hardware, hyperware and software
- System architectures for secure embedded systems
- Metrics for secure design of embedded hardware and software
- Security concerns for medical and other applications of embedded systems
- Support for intellectual property protection and anti-counterfeiting
- Specialized components for authentication, key storage and key generation
- Support for secure debugging and troubleshooting
- Implementation attacks and countermeasures
- Design tools for secure embedded hardware and software
- Hardware/software co-design for secure embedded systems
- Specialized hardware support for security protocols
- Efficient and secure implementation of cryptographic primitives

Submission Instructions
The proceedings of the workshop will be published by the ACM. Papers must be submitted
in PDF form through the EASYCHAIR system. Submitted papers should present original
research that is unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. Papers should be no more
than 10 pages 2-column in ACM format. Templates for the submission of papers can be
found at the ACM website. To submit a paper refer to

Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: July 13, 2014
Author notification: August 25 2014
Camera ready papers due: September 5, 2014
Copyright forms due: September 8, 2014
Workshop date: October 12, 2014 (Tentative)

Program Chairs
Ting Yu (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Shengqi Yang (Syltechi)

Program Committee (tentative)
Divya Arora (Intel)
Andrey Bogdanov (TU. of Denmark)
Bogdan Carbunar (Motorola Labs)
Kurt Dietrich (NXP Semiconductors)
Reouven Elbaz (Intel)
Domenic J. Forte (U. Conn)
Johann Groszschaedl (U. Luxembourg)
Axel Poschmann (Nanyang Tech. U.)
Erkay Savas (Sabanci U.)
Patrick Schaumont (Virginia Tech)
Peter Schwabe (U. Nijmegen)
Nicolas Sklavos (Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece)
Roberto Uribeetxeberria(Mondragon U.)
Yi Wang (National U. Singapore)
Thomas Eisenbarth (WPI)
Yunsi Fei (NorthEastern U)
Marten Van Dijk (U. Conn)
Srini Devadas (MIT)

Steering Committee
Catherine Gebotys (U. Waterloo)
Dimitrios Serpanos (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Marilyn Wolf (Georgia Tech)

Related Resources

Security 2025   Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust
DSA 2025   The 12th International Conference on Dependability Systems and Their Applications
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
NLAIM 2025   2nd International Conference on NLP, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Applications
SECURWARE 2025   The Nineteenth International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
IJCACS 2025   International Journal of Control, Automation, Communication and Systems
3S 2025   2025 Security for Space Systems (3S) Conference - cycle 2
ESORICS 2025   European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (round 2)
CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
CRBL 2025   5th International Conference on Cryptography and Blockchain