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CSEE&T 2009 : IEEE 22nd Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training


When Feb 17, 2009 - Feb 19, 2009
Where Hyderabad, India
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2008
Notification Due Oct 30, 2008
Final Version Due Nov 22, 2008
Categories    software engineering

Call For Papers

Scalability in Software Engineering Education and Training

Advances in technology and communications enable new applications to be both conceived and made feasible every day. The implication of this is an increase that continues to grow in the demand for software engineers in the world. However, there is a marked skills shortage occurring both in the IT professions and in engineering: on the one hand students are not entering SE programs in the numbers industry would like, on the other, industry reports graduates are lacking in skills considered important - in the newer technical areas and in business and soft skills.

In order to provide the profession with appropriately educated and well trained software engineers, and to do so efficiently and effectively, education and training techniques need to change. Through evolution or revolution, SE education and training must grapple with the need to produce the large numbers of SE professionals needed quickly and without compromising quality. In order to address this issue, the theme of CSEE&T 2009 is scalability in SE education and training.

CSEE&T'09 will include research and experience paper presentations (including short papers), panel discussions, workshops and tutorials and the ASEET. We invite quality, original papers from all Software Engineering education and training providers, covering the conference theme and related topics. Submissions may address all areas of curriculum development, empirical studies, personal or institutional experiences, conceptual or theoretical work.

The program will provide numerous opportunities for academic and industry participants to interact and learn from each other. Join us in exploring scalability in SE education and training.

Topics of Interest

Papers are invited addressing (but not restricted to) the following topics:

* Education theory and pedagogy
* Curriculum and teaching materials (either in general or related to specific SE areas)
* Learning environments
* Performance evaluation and assessment
* Issues of eLearning for SE
* Software engineering professionalism
* Education & training for current SE practices
* Internship and projects for students and graduates
* Case studies of educational or training practices
* Industry-academia collaboration models
* Project Management for Software Engineering

Papers covering the above topics in the following areas are particularly sought:

* Large-scale Distributed SE
* Collaborative Environments and Computer Supported Cooperative SE
* Tools and Processes for Distributed multi-site SE
* Agile Methods in Practice
* Component-based SE
* Technology Transfer
* Software Engineering Ontologies

Research Papers

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original research in all areas of SE education and training. Papers describing theoretical or empirical research, new techniques and tools, and in-depth case studies are all welcome. Submissions should be original and should not have been published previously or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Research paper submissions will be subjected to double-blind review and evaluation based on originality, technical quality and relevance to the field of software engineering education in accordance with IEEE requirements. As in previous years, the proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. One author from each accepted paper is required to register as a full-fee delegate and present the paper at the conference.

Experience Reports & Short Papers

The objective of experience reports is to discuss results (both good and bad), obstacles, and lessons learned associated with education and training for SE in the "real world". Experiences from practitioners provide valuable input into future directions for education and allow others to learn from successes and failures.

Short paper submissions that address software engineering education and training topics are also invited. Short papers may discuss an idea at an early stage, or a promising idea that may lack complete evaluation.

Each accepted experience report and short paper will be presented by an author in a conference session, and will appear in the IEEE digital library, but not the conference proceedings.


Emerging ideas for research, teaching practice, or tools can be presented as posters. The posters are evaluated based on their originality and the possible future contribution to the field of Software Engineering Education & Training. Submissions from students is encouraged.

Workshops & Tutorials

Workshop and Tutorial proposals that have practical appeal to the SEE&T community are sought. These enable participants to exchange experiences and opinions, or learn more about a topic relevant to the conference theme. Please submit your proposals detailing the topic, theme and goals, intended audience and the preparation required of them, presenter/s and their affiliations. Activities and format along with anticipated time requirements should also be provided.


Panel sessions allow the audience to interact with panellists who provide an engaging, informative and entertaining discussion of a timely topic from multiple perspectives. Please submit your proposals detailing the topic and how it meets the needs of the CSEE&T audience, biographies and position statements of each of the panellists and a biography of the proposed moderator.

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