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When May 26, 2014 - May 27, 2014
Where Reykjavik, Iceland
Submission Deadline Feb 10, 2014
Notification Due Mar 5, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 15, 2014
Categories    NLP

Call For Papers

ES³LOD 2014

5th International Workshop on

Satellite of LREC 2014, ELRA, 1.5 Day Workshop on 26/27 May 2014
Reykjavik, Iceland

The fifth instalment of the highly successful series of Corpora for Research
on Emotion held at the last LRECs (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012) will help
bridging the gap between research on human emotion, social signals and
sentiment from speech, text, and further modalities, and low availability of
language and multimodal resources and labelled data for learning and

Following LREC 2014\u2019s hot topics of Big Data and Linked Open Data in
particular also approaches on semi-automated and collaborative labelling of
large data archives such as by efficient combinations of active learning and
crowd sourcing will be of interest \u2013 in particular also for combined
annotations of emotion, social signals, and sentiment. Multi- and
cross-corpus studies (transfer learning, standardisation, corpus quality
assessment, etc.) are further highly relevant, given their importance in
order to test the generalisation power of models.

Linked Open Data is an increasingly wide-spread methodology for the
publishing, sharing and interlinking of data sets. In the context of this
workshop we are also interested in reports on and experiences with the use
of Linked Open Data in the context of emotion, social signals, and sentiment
in analysis projects and applications.

As before, also the multimodal community is invited and encouraged to
contribute new corpora, perspectives and findings \u2013 emotion, sentiment,
and social behaviour are multimodal and complex and there is still an urgent
need for sufficient naturalistic uni- and multimodal data in different
languages and from different cultures.

Keynote speeches by distinguished researchers and technical demonstrations
crossing the communities involved will contribute to the attractiveness of
the workshop. A best paper award will be given.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Novel corpora of affective speech in audio and multimodal data
Corpora of written language/multimodal data for sentiment analysis
Corpora of audio/multimodal data of behaviour and social signals
Interlinking resources with Linked Data
Techniques for integration and merging of different resources
Use of Linked Open Data knowledge resources (DBpedia, Yago, etc.)
New methods for community or distributed annotation
Semi-autonomous learning on Big Data
Resources and analysis of social emotions (shame, pride, etc.)
Figurative languages (irony, metaphor, parody, sarcasm, satire, etc.)
Social signals (consents, laughs, sighs, hesitations, etc.)
Discussion of models for annotation and representation
Multi- and cross-corpus aspects (transfer learning, standardization)
Real-life applications of language and multimodal resources
Long-term resources, situational and demographic context inclusion
Resources for under-represented languages and cultures
Publishing as Linguistic Linked Data (e.g. lemon, Marl, Onyx, NIF)
Legal and social aspects of semantic and language resources
Cultural bias and normalisation in expression and social signalling

Important Dates
1500-2000 words abstract submission deadline
10 February 2014

Notification of acceptance
5 March 2014

Camera ready paper
15 March 2014

26/27 May 2014

Submission Policy
Submitted abstracts of papers for oral and poster must consist of about
1500-2000 words. Final submissions must follow the submission guidelines
at LREC 2014

Regular papers (8 pages)
Short papers (4 pages)
Demo papers (2-4 pages)

When submitting a paper from the START page, authors will be asked to
provide essential information about resources (in a broad sense, i.e. also
technologies, standards, evaluation kits, etc.) that have been used for the
work described in the paper or are a new result of your research. Moreover,
ELRA encourages all LREC authors to share the described LRs (data, tools,
services, etc.), to enable their reuse, replicability of experiments,
including evaluation ones, etc...

Björn Schuller
TUM/Imperial College, UK

Paul Buitelaar
NUI Galway, Ireland

Laurence Devillers
U. Sorbonne/CNRS-LIMSI, France

Catherine Pelachaud
CNRS - LTCI, France

Thierry Declerck
DFKI, Germany

Anton Batliner
FAU/TUM, Germany

Paolo Rosso
U. Politèc. Valencia, Spain

Seán Gaines
Vicomtech-IK4, Spain

Program Committee
Rodrigo Agerri, EHU, Spain
Noam Amir, Tel-Aviv U., Isreal
Elisabeth André, U. Augsburg, Germany
Alexandra Balahur-Dobrescu, ISPRA, Italy
Cristina Bosco, U. Torino, Italy
Felix Burkhardt, Deutsche Telekom, Germany
Carlos Busso, UT Dallas, USA
Rafael Calvo, U. Sydney, Australia
Erik Cambria, NUS, Singapore
Antonio Camurri, U. Genova, Italy
Mohamed Chetouani, UPMC, France
Montse Cuadros, VicomTech, Spain
Francesco Danza, Expert System, Italy
Thierry Dutoit, U. Mons, Belgium
Anna Esposito, IIASS, Italy
Francesca Frontini, CNR, Italy
Hatice Gunes, Queen Mary U., UK
Hayley Hung, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Carlos Iglesias, UPM, Spain
Isa Maks, VU, the Netherlands
Daniel Molina, Paradigma Tecnologico, Spain
Monica Monachini, CNR, Italy
Shrikanth Narayanan, USC, USA
Viviana Patti, U. Torino, Italy
German Rigau, EHU, Spain
Fabien Ringeval, U. Fribourg, Switzerland
Massimo Romanelli, Attensity EUROPE, Germany
Albert Ali Salah, Bo\u011faziçi University, Turkey
Metin Sezgin, Koc U., Turkey
Carlo Strapparava, FBK, Italy
Jianhua Tao, CAS, P.R. China
Tony Veale, UCD, Ireland
Michel Valstar, U. Nottingham, UK
Alessandro Vinciarelli, U. Glasgow, UK
Piek Vossen, VU, the Netherlands

Related Resources

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IMCOM 2025   19th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication
ACL 2025   The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
ACE 2025   The 17th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2025)
CoNLL 2025   29th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning
BCE 2025   The 6th Barcelona Conference on Education (c)
NLDB 2025   The 30th International Conference on Natural Language & Information Systems
FOODOPS 2025   International Food Operations and Processing Simulation Workshop
MuSE IC 2025   MuSE International Conference 2025: Multidisciplinary Sciences for Sustainability