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REHAB 2014 : 2nd Workshop on ICTs for improving Patients Rehabilitation Research Techniques


When May 20, 2014 - May 23, 2014
Where Oldenburg, Germany
Submission Deadline Feb 28, 2014
Notification Due Mar 21, 2014
Final Version Due Mar 28, 2014
Categories    rehabilitation   techniques   interaction   computer

Call For Papers


New technologies applied to medicine, such as Virtual Reality (VR), are beginning to cover all its fields, where the field where it is most used is, undoubtedly, Rehabilitation. Virtual reality systems allow simulating aspects of everyday life and providing flexibility in adjusting parameter settings. Intensive training, repeated, task-oriented, cannot always be done in the real world with real objects because the clinical characteristics of the subjects. Virtual Reality can recreate environments as motivated and functional tasks, which in the real world could not be performed with the same accuracy.

Virtual Reality systems allow the magnification and adaptation of the received feedback the patient obtain when he performs a task. Also it allows the program of the intensity and difficulty depending upon the therapeutic objectives and the individual circumstances of each user. Indeed, virtual reality has become very useful for patients where they interact in an imaginary world through different devices such as gloves or robots tool.


This workshop invites authors to submit contributions on concepts like: Virtual Rehabilitation Discussion, applications, techniques or environments where interaction design plays a central role by improving the rehabilitation process at all levels.

TOPICS OF INTEREST, Key issues in this workshop will focus on (but are not limited to):

• Virtual and enhanced environments
• Motor rehabilitation
• Neuroimaging in rehabilitation
• Virtual rehabilitation
• Clinical assessment
• Cognitive rehabilitation
• Communication and language
• Ambisonics and audio environments
• Haptic devices
• Sensory impairment
• Medical systems
• Input devices, sensors and actuators
• Multi-user systems for user interaction
• Computer access
• Virtual humans
• Balance, posture and mobility
• Communications aids
• Tools for architectural/CAD design
• Product design, testing and prototyping
• Training tools for rehabilitation
• Augmented reality applications
• Human factors
• Rehabilitation robotics

Submission Deadline: February 28th, 2014
Author Notification: March 21th, 2014
Camera-Ready Deadline: March 28th, 2014
Workshop Date: May 20th, 2014

We invite researchers interested in these topics to submit a workshop paper using the ACM format for papers. Please find detailed instructions on the Pervasive Health 2014 conference website. Papers should be submitted in PDF format via EasyChair submission page.

Please note that at least one author of an accepted paper must register for the REHAB workshop of the PervasiveHealth 2014 conference.

All accepted submissions would be published in the ACM Digital Library, and indexed by dblp, Scopus and ScienceDirect and submitted to Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (ISI Web of Science).

Allacceptedpaperswill be invitedtosubmitan extended versionforinclusion in a specialissue of an (ISI) International Journal, accordingtothepapertopic:

• Methods of Information in Medicine (IF: 1.6)

• Disability and Rehabilitation (IF: 1.541)

Best regards,

REHAB 2014 Workshop Co-chairs
Habib M. Fardoun
Pedro Gamito

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