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Trans. on CBR 2012 : International Journal Transactions on Case-Based Reasoning


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2012
Categories    data - mining   case-based reasoning   computer science

Call For Papers

Submission Deadline: anytime

The International Journal "Transactions on Case-Based Reasoning" is a periodical appearing once a year.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Case and knowledge representation, acquisition, modeling, visualization, maintenance and management for CBR
- CBR system design issues (e.g., indexing, retrieval, similarity assessment and adaptation)
- System architectures and integration of CBR with other methods
- Collaborative agent architectures involving CBR
- CBR for signals, images, video, audio and text
- Similarity assessment for signals, images, video, audio, and text
- Case representation and case mining for multimedia data
- Retrieval and indexing of signals, images, video, audio and text
- Analogical reasoning, cognitive models, and creative reasoning approaches based on CBR
- Formal, empirical, and psychological evaluations of CBR models and systems
- Methodologies for developing CBR applications
- Lazy-learning, instance-based learning and case-based learning
- Case-based planning topics including plan adaptation, retrieval from a plan library and plan similarity
- Conversational CBR for multimedia retrieval systems
- Meta-learning for model improvement and parameter setting for processing with CBR
- Incremental model improvement by CBR
- Case base maintenance for systems with multimedia data
- Case authoring
- Life-time of a CBR system
- Measuring coverage of case bases
- Analogical reasoning for computer vision, signal processing and others
- CBR in robot navigation
- CBR for medical applications using multimedia data
- CBR for biotechnological applications using multimedia data
- CBR for chemical applications using multimedia data
- Ontology learning with CBR
- CBR for image processing applications
- CBR for video application
- Case-based approaches to scheduling, design and robot navigation
- CBR and knowledge discovery, data mining, text mining
- CBR software reuse and engineering redesign
- Explanations, Context, and confidence in CBR
- Peer-to-Peer Networks and CBR
- CBR in the Semantic Web
- CBR foundations
- Conversational CBR
- Textual CBR
- Distributed CBR
- CBR and uncertainty
- CBR in design, diagnosis, health, law, education
- Knowledge management in CBR, case and experience-based knowledge management
- Case-based recommender systems
- Applications of CBR (e.g., in customer support, education, electronic commerce, pattern recognition, image processing, legal reasoning, manufacturing and medicine)
- Adaptive interfaces, user modeling, customization & personalization using CBR
- Computer models of case-based argumentation
- Fielded applications of CBR

The journal is a free on-line journal but having in parallel hardcopies of the journal. The free on-line access to the content of the paper should ensure fast and easy access to new research developments for researchers all over the world. The hardcopy of the journal can be purchased by individuals, companies, and libraries for a cost prize.

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