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MTNS 2012 : 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems


When Jul 9, 2012 - Jul 13, 2012
Where Melbourne, Australia
Submission Deadline Feb 1, 2012
Notification Due Mar 15, 2012
Final Version Due Apr 30, 2012
Categories    biological systems   communication systems   computing   control and systems theory

Call For Papers

Invitation to Submit

The International Program Committee (IPC) invites contributions to the 20th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems 2012 to be held in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia on 9-13 July 2012.

Using the online submission form you will be asked to enter some personal information. Before doing so, please ensure that you are able to meet all the Submission Requirements and have carefully read the Submission Guidelines and Instructions

The symposium programme includes:

plenary and semi-plenary lectures
invited sessions
contributed talks (either as an extended abstract or a full paper)
The plenary / semi-plenary lectures will be included in the programme upon invitation.

Presentation Formats

Extended abstracts

Extended abstracts must be no longer than 3 pages and submitted as a pdf-file.

Extended abstracts will not be peer reviewed however will be reviewed by a committee for program fit and will be printed in the conference proceedings.

We also encourage authors of abstracts to upload a full paper version into the Arxiv and then quote a link to this in their final abstract for proceedings

Full paper

Conference participants are invited to submit full papers that will appear in the conference proceedings. Full papers should have a length of at most 8 pages.

To ensure the uniformity in format of the papers appearing in the proceedings, authors are required to prepare their papers with LaTeX using the SIAM proceedings class "proceedings.cls" available here or directly from SIAM at This is a "zip" file containing all the necessary macros and examples.

Authors are required to submit their papers electronically in PDF format; please do not submit the original LaTex source.

In order for your paper to be included in the conference proceedings, at least one of the authors of that paper must have registered for the conference.

Mini courses

A mini course is tutorial based which can consists of up to 2 blocks, with each block consisting of 4 talks, prepared and presented in a unified and coherent manner by a team of at most four people. A mini course submission requires a 2-4 page extended abstract providing the structure of the whole mini-course, with no requirement of abstracts for the individual talks.

Invited Session

An invited session consists of 4 papers, dealing with several issues of a unified theme. The session convenor must first submit a summary statement describing the relevance and importance of the session. Each presenter must then submit a maximum 3 page extended abstract under the name of the session which you will select online. Each paper in the proposed session will be first individually reviewed, and then the invited session will be evaluated as a whole. The International Program Committee reserves the right to accommodate the accepted papers from rejected invited session into the regular program.

Submission Guidelines & Instructions

Please read the following instructions on how to use the Oxford Abstracts Submission System to submit, edit or withdraw a paper for the MTNS 2012 Conference.

Submissions in hard copy will not be accepted. Submissions must be entered via the online Oxford Abstracts Submissions System.

Author Notification

Authors will receive notification of acceptance by 15th March 2012. This decision is final.
Upon receiving notification of acceptance, authors must confirm their acceptance by registering for the symposium by 30th April 2012.

Conference Themes

Main areas and themes
The main areas and themes of the conference include, but are not limited to:

Biological Systems:
Biochemical Reactions
Biomedical Imaging
ECG and EEG Analysis
Human Vision
Systems Biology
Biological Networks
Systems Biology

Communication Systems:
Code Division Multiple Access
Coding Theory
Computer Networks
Network Coding
Optical Communications
Quantum Information Theory
Wireless Networks

Algorithms for Virtual Cellular Machines
Bio-inspired Computing
Computer Algebra
Computability of Nonlinear Systems
Numerical Methods in Systems and Control
Optimization Based Methods
Randomization Methods
Symbolic Computations

Control and Systems Theory:
Behavioral Systems
Networked Control Systems
Delay Systems
Differential Inclusions
Distributed systems
Infinite-Dimensional Systems
Linear Matrix Inequalities
Mathematical Theory of Circuits
Modeling and system identification
Observer Theory
PDE Systems
Positive Systems
Quantum Systems and Control
Rational Systems
Structured Nonlinear Systems
Symbolic Dynamics

Cooperative Systems:
Coalition Games
Consensus and Games
Coordinated Control
Formation Control
Graph Processes
Models of Real-World Networks
Multi-Agent Systems

Economics and Systems:
Theory Control in Quantitative Finance
Credit Risk
Dynamic Factor Models
Economic Time Series
Microeconomic Modelling
Supply Chains
Transportation Systems

Hybrid Systems:
Algebraic Systems Theory
Discrete Event Systems
Event Triggered Control
Sampled-Data Control
Switched Systems

Mechanical Systems:
Cooperation & unmanned vehicles
Vehicle Dynamics

Networked Control:
Channel Capacity Constraints
Control Over Communication Networks
Distributed Filtering and Control
Information Theory and Control
Flocking & emerging behaviour
Sensor Networks
Systems on Graphs

Signal Processing:
Change Detection
Compressed Sampling
Hidden Markov Models

Stochastic Systems:
Adaptive Systems
Complex System
Markov Decision Processes
MCMC Methods
Nonlinear Filtering
Nonparametric Methods
Particle Filtering
Partial Identification
Stochastic Control
Stochastic Realization
System Identification

Systems Inspired Mathematics:
Advanced Linear Algebra
Applications of Algebraic Geometry
Applications of Differential Geometry
Applications of Point Processes
Covariance Extension and Interpolation
Machine Learning
Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Operator Theory
Robust Convex Control

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