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E-QSE 2025 : 2nd International Workshop on Empirical Studies for Quantum Software Engineering


When Jun 17, 2025 - Jun 20, 2025
Where Istanbul
Submission Deadline Mar 16, 2025
Notification Due Apr 13, 2025
Final Version Due Apr 27, 2025
Categories    quantum computing   empirical software engineering   quantum machine learning   quantum software engineering

Call For Papers

The 2nd edition of the workshop on Empirical Studies for Quantum Software Engineering (E-QSE) aims to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss empirical research on quantum software engineering.

We expect that the workshop will help with:

providing researchers with a comprehensive understanding of the current state of quantum software engineering;

defining key terms, challenges, and opportunities in the field;

analyzing case studies to understand the practical implications of implementing quantum components in software applications;

encouraging participants to share their experiences and insights regarding challenges faced in quantum software engineering;

discussing the strengths and limitations of different quantum programming technologies;

discussing the synergies and challenges of combining classical software engineering practices with quantum approaches;

developing a roadmap for future research directions in quantum software engineering.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

Studies on the effectiveness of different development methodologies for quantum software;

Definition and evaluation of software metrics for quantum programs;

Empirical studies on testing methodologies for quantum software;

Studies on integrating quantum components into classical software applications;

Assessment of tools supporting quantum software development, including simulators, optimizers, and debuggers;

User studies to understand the experience of software engineers working with quantum programming languages and tools;

Case studies of quantum software engineering projects in industry settings;

Investigation into the cognitive aspects of designing and developing quantum software;

Lessons learned and challenges faced during the development and deployment of quantum software applications.


Evaluation Criteria and Submission

The workshop will consider two different types of submissions: regular papers, and short papers.

Regular papers will be up to 10 pages and will report original empirical research quantum software engineering;

Short papers will be up to 5 pages and will discuss visions, novel ideas, and experience reports on quantum software engineering.

All accepted papers will be part of the EASE 2025 proceedings under the copyright of the ACM digital library.


Evaluation Criteria

In adherence to the main conference guidelines, our workshop will follow a comprehensive paper revision process.

All papers will be subjected to a thorough peer review process, with a focus on originality, quality, soundness, and relevance. The workshop will use a double-blind review process, with three members of the program committee reviewing each submitted paper.

Our review process will be following the same criteria of the main conference, namely:

Soundness: The extent to which the paper’s contributions and/or innovations address its research questions and are supported by rigorous application of appropriate research methods;

Significance: The extent to which the paper’s contributions can impact the field of software engineering and under which assumptions (if any);

Novelty: The extent to which the contributions are sufficiently original with respect to the state-of-the-art;

Verifiability and Transparency: The extent to which the paper includes sufficient information to understand how an innovation works; how data was obtained, analyzed, and interpreted; and how the paper supports independent verification or replication of the paper’s claimed contributions;

Presentation: The extent to which the paper’s quality of writing meets the high standards of EASE, including clear descriptions, adequate use of the English language, absence of significant ambiguity, clearly readable figures and tables, and adherence to the formatting instructions provided above.


How to Submit:

All papers must be submitted in PDF format through EasyChair. Page limit will be 10 for regular submissions and 5 for short papers, including all figures, tables, references, and appendices.

All submissions should use the official ACM Primary Article Template ( Deviating from the ACM formatting instructions may lead to a desk rejection.

Authors must comply with the SIGSOFT Open Science Policy, (i.e., to archive data and artifacts in a permanent repository—e.g., Zenodo, not GitHub—to the extent ethically and practically possible, and include links in a Data Availability section in their manuscripts).

E-QSE 2025 will employ a double-anonymous review process. Do not include author names or affiliations in submissions. All references to the author’s prior work should be in the third person. Any online supplements, replication packages, etc., referred to in the work should also be anonymized. Advice for sharing supplements anonymously can be found here

By submitting to E-QSE, authors agree to the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification Papers submitted to EASE must not be published or under review elsewhere. The Program Chairs may use plagiarism detection software under contract to the ACM. If the research involves human participants/subjects, the authors must adhere to the ACM Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects


Important Dates:

March 16th, 2025 AoE - Submission Deadline

April 13th, 2025 AoE - Notification Deadline

April 27th, 2025 AoE - Camera Ready Deadline


Special Issue "Empirical Studies for Quantum Software Engineering" in Empirical Software Engineering Journal

Authors of selected papers accepted at E-QSE 2025 will be invited to submit revised, extended versions of their manuscripts for a special issue of the Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE), edited by Springer.

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