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ESWEEK 2025 : First Call for Papers and Proposals | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://esweek.org/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
EMBEDDED SYSTEMS WEEK Call for Papers: CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT, MEMOCODE Call for Proposals: Educations, Special Sessions Taipei, Taiwan, September 28 - October 3, 2025 https://esweek.org/ ========================================================================= Journal Track and Special Session Submission Deadline: March 30, 2025 ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) is the premier event covering all aspects of hardware and software design for smart, intelligent and connected computing systems. By bringing together three leading conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT), one symposium (MEMOCODE), and several workshops and tutorials, ESWEEK allows attendees to benefit from a wide range of topics covering the state of the art in embedded systems research and development. https://esweek.org/ Registered attendees can attend sessions in any of the ESWEEK conferences (CASES, CODES+ISSS, EMSOFT). Tutorials, symposium (MEMOCODE), and workshops can be registered individually or in addition with the ESWEEK registration. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeline (all deadlines are midnight AoE, firm) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal Track: - Abstract Submission: March 23, 2025 - Full Paper Submission: March 30, 2025 - Notification of Acceptance: July 13, 2025 Late Breaking Tracks: - Paper Submission: June 18, 2025 - Notification of Acceptance: July 21, 2025 Special Sessions: - Submission: March 30, 2025 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Review Process ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESWEEK has multiple publication venues: 1. Journal Track: Full-length papers describe mature work and are limited to 20 pages (including references) for submission in the ACM authoring format. Accepted papers will be published in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) after two stages of review. Articles not accepted after the second stage will still have the possibility of continuing as regular journal papers in TECS (pending a decision from the TPC chairs). 2. Late Breaking (LB) Result Track: LB papers disseminate complete and mature works written in a condensed form and are limited to 4 pages in IEEE double column format. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (ESL) after one stage of review. Articles not accepted after this stage will still have the possibility of continuing as regular journal papers in ESL (pending a decision from the TPC chairs). An accepted paper will be removed from the journal (TECS or ESL) and the technical program unless both of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) One author of the accepted paper must register at the full conference (author registration) rate, and (2) An author of the accepted paper must present (in-person) the paper in the conference. These venues are mutually exclusive, i.e., a work can only be in submission to one of the categories. Special Session papers, Keynote/Tutorial abstracts, etc. are also published in the ESWEEK Proceedings of the respective conferences. All these publications will be listed as regular publications within the ACM and/or IEEE digital libraries. For more information on the publishing process, refer to: https://esweek.org/author-information/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASES: International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASES is a premier forum where researchers, developers and practitioners exchange information on the latest advances in compilers and architectures for high-performance, low-power embedded systems. The conference has a long tradition of showcasing leading edge research in embedded processor, memory, interconnect, storage architectures and related compiler techniques targeting performance, power, predictability, security, reliability issues for both traditional and emerging application domains. In addition, we invite innovative papers that address design, synthesis, and optimization challenges in heterogeneous and accelerator-rich architectures. https://esweek.org/cases/ CASES Program Chairs: Jeronimo Castrillon, TU Dresden, DE Christophe Dubach, McGill University, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CODES+ISSS: International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis is the premier event in system-level design, modeling, analysis, and implementation of modern embedded and cyber-physical systems, from system-level specification and optimization down to system synthesis of multi-processor hard*ware/software implementations. The conference is a forum bringing together academic research and industrial practice for all aspects related to system-level and hardware/software co-design. https://esweek.org/codes-isss/ CODES+ISSS Program Chairs: Prabhat Mishra, University of Florida, FL, US Paul Bogdan, University of Southern California, CA, US ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMSOFT: International Conference on Embedded Software ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ACM SIGBED International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT) brings together researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to advance the science, engineering, and technology of embedded software development. Since 2001, EMSOFT has been the premier venue for cutting-edge research in the design and analysis of embedded software, and for advances in the cyber-physical systems domain. https://esweek.org/emsoft/ EMSOFT Program Chairs: Martina Maggio, Saarland University, DE Borzoo Bonakdarpour, Michigan State University, US ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMOCODE: International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for System Design ------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMOCODE focuses on formal methods and models for developing computer systems and their components. MEMOCODE's objective is to emphasize the importance of models and methodologies in correct system design and development. https://esweek.org/memocode/ MEMOCODE Program Chairs: Sudipta Chattopadhyay, Singapore University of Technology and Design, SG Srinivas Pinisetty, IIT Bhubaneswar, IN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Education Proposals: Emerging paradigms for embedded systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESWEEK 2025 will host several education lectures about “Emerging paradigms for embedded systems” virtually and free of charge on Friday September 26th, and is soliciting proposals for such lectures. We invite you to submit education proposals. Education Chairs: Angeliki Kritikakou, Univ. Rennes 1, FR Renato Mancuso, Boston University, US ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Special Session Proposals ------------------------------------------------------------------------- We invite you to submit special session proposals on any topic relevant to the broad areas of interest of ESWEEK. The special session should cover a topic that is contemporary, hot, and complementary to the regular sessions. The special session should be able to generate enthusiasm among the ESWEEK participants. https://esweek.org/call-for-special-session-proposals-page/ Special Sessions Chair: Li-Pin Chang, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, TW ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Competition ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Following their first introduction in 2023, we will host several software competitions. More details will be available soon. Software competition chairs Ganapati Bhat, Washington State University, US ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Organization ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESWEEK 2025 General Chairs: Tei-Wei Kuo, Delta Electronics and National Taiwan University, TW Andy Pimentel, University of Amsterdam, NL Conference Chair: Yuan-Hao Chang, Academia Sinica, TW Local Arrangement Chair: Jen-Wei Hsieh, National Taiwan University of Sci. & Tech., TW https://esweek.org/ |