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WORIE 2025 : 14th International Workshop on the Reliability of Intelligent Environments | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://www.ugr.es/~worie/2025/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Intelligent Environments and related systems, such as Ambient Intelligence systems, Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing systems, Smart Environments, Multi-Agent Systems, and Cyber-Physical Systems, are emerging as some of the most promising technical fields with significant potential to transform daily human life in the near future. Progress in these areas relies on the intricate integration of various advanced technical disciplines. The underlying software of these systems must be highly context-aware, accounting for multiple factors such as the environment they control (e.g., buildings, offices, vehicles, cities), the sensors and actuators deployed, the communication protocols and networks used for data transmission, the diverse types of users, and the interactions between these components. These elements, however, are inherently prone to errors: sensors may be unreliable, networks can experience instability, and users often test systems in unanticipated ways. Furthermore, software development itself is a notoriously complex endeavor. Even well-established organizations like NASA, Microsoft, Intel, and BMW—despite their access to highly skilled development teams—have faced significant setbacks, including financial losses, reputational damage, and even human casualties, due to undetected software bugs. This underscores the challenges involved in developing such systems. Moreover, many of these systems bear the critical responsibility of safeguarding human lives. For instance, systems designed to support independent living aim to provide reassurance to elderly individuals and their families by handling tasks that include safety-related concerns, such as detecting falls or health issues. Similarly, autonomous systems like self-driving cars are expected to perform tasks on behalf of users, where even minor errors could lead to catastrophic outcomes. Given these high stakes, it is imperative for our community to establish robust standards and methodologies to ensure the development of safe and reliable systems. Advancing the state of the art in this field requires a tailored approach that addresses the unique blend of components inherent to these systems. While lessons from other fields should inform this process, direct transplantation of methodologies is insufficient. This event aims to bring together researchers and practitioners to focus on all aspects of the development process that contribute to making Intelligent Environments and related systems safer, more secure, and more reliable. It also seeks to advance methodologies that inspire greater user confidence in these technologies. While some preliminary proposals have emerged, the gravity of this issue demands a more unified and comprehensive response from the community. TOPICS Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following ones, all of them applied to increase the reliability, security and safety of Intelligent Environments and related systems: Requirement specification Elicitation of user requirements Modelling notations Rule‐based modelling Integration of modelling and specification Workflow modelling Simulation Formal analysis and design Human‐centred design Software Engineering techniques Testing Validation Formal and semi‐formal methods Verification of system correctness Model checking Combination of verification methods Quality assessment Technical frameworks Development methodologies Support tools Applications and case studies PUBLICATION All papers accepted will be published in the proceedings of the event which will be an Open Access volume in the Book Series on Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series (IOS Press). As of 2015, the Workshops Proceedings published by this Book Series are indexed in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S) by Thomson Reuters. Previous editions were indexed by Scopus. Moreover, authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to the Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments (http://www.springer.com/computer/hardware/journal/40860) (published by Springer), which is currently indexed within the first quartile (Q1) in SJR (Scimago Journal Rank). These invitations will be sent by email after the event has been held. SUBMISSIONS Authors wishing to participate in this event should: (1) Format their papers according to the IOS Press style, with a length of at least 6 but no more than 10 pages. Latex and Word templates can be found in https://www.iospress.com/book‐article‐instructions. (2) Submit the papers using the CMT account for this workshop (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/WoRIE2025/). See more details about this on the web page of the workshop. All submitted papers will be reviewed by several reviewers with expertise in the area in order to provide constructive feedback to their authors and select the best ones for their presentation in the workshop and their publication in the proceedings. WORKSHOP FORMAT The workshop will start with a keynote speech related with some of the topics addressed in it. The core of the event will be the presentation of recent advances in research and applications on such topics, followed by a short debate (questions & answers section) aiming to encourage a critical reflection on the corresponding subject. Presentations can also contain demos or videos about tools and applications. After the presentations of the selected papers, a panel made up of all the participants will discuss on critical issues that should be addressed at both academic and professional level to improve the safety, security and reliability of Intelligent Environments. Interaction will be encouraged throughout the event. PROGRAM COMMITTEE (more to be confirmed) Oana Andrei, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. Serge Autexier, DFKI Bremen, Germany. Eerke Boiten, Montfort University, United Kingdom. Eun-Sun Cho, Chungnam National University, Korea. Bahman Javadi, Western Sydney University, Australia. Paulo Romero Martins Maciel, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Daniela Micucci, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy. Alice Miller, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. Mario Quinde Li Say Tan, Universidad de Piura, Peru. Abdallah Qusef, King Hussein School for Computing Sciences, Jordan. Stefano Schivo, Open University, The Netherlands. Alexei Sharpanskykh, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Yoshito Tobe, Aoyama Gakuin University, Japan. Jian Yu, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. James Xi Zheng, Macquarie University, Australia. PROGRAM CHAIRS & CONTACT INFORMATION Aditya Santokhee – Middlesex University, Mauritius Branch Campus (a.santokhee@mdx.ac.mu) Juan Carlos Augusto – Middlesex University, United Kingdom(j.augusto@mdx.ac.uk) Carlos Rodríguez-Domínguez – University of Granada, Spain (carlosrodriguez@ugr.es) |