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SafeAutonomy 2025 : 5th International SafeAutonomy Workshop


When Apr 8, 2025 - Apr 8, 2025
Where Lisbon
Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2025
Notification Due Feb 7, 2025
Final Version Due Mar 5, 2025
Categories    safety   artificial intelligence   computer science   software engineering

Call For Papers

We are happy to announce our 5th international Workshop on Safe Autonomous Systems.

With the SafeAutonomy Workshop, we want to bring together different groups to create synergies and establish a shared understanding of the "challenges and solutions related to continuous safety assurance of autonomous systems (AS). We welcome you to join the workshop and help in shaping a reference framework for assuring autonomy.

The SafeAutonomy Workshop is co-located with the 19th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC) in Lisbon, Portugal from 8th - 11th April 2025.«

The Safe Autonomy workshop explores concepts, techniques and technology related to the continuous safety assurance of autonomous systems (AS). Autonomous systems include a wide range of systems such as autonomous road vehicles, autonomous off-road machinery for agriculture or mining, autonomous robot dogs, autonomous drones, autonomous ships and many more. Technology that drives these AS and their capabilities is making significant progress, but safety assurance is lagging and limits innovation of technological advances. Previous workshops focused on the risk management capabilities of AS. This remains an important aspect of this workshop, but we also welcome a broad range of contributions in any related area that push market introduction and innovations by dealing with the safety challenge. AS have enormous potential to transform society. The key trait of AS is their ability to pursue and achieve their goals independently and without human guidance or intervention. In contexts where safety needs to be guaranteed, it is difficult currently to exploit autonomous systems to their full potential due to the difficulty in providing assurance they will be safe throughout operation. The assurance challenge increases when AS take advantage of Machine Learning to cope with the complexity of their mission and the operating context, and when assuring AS in the context of systems of systems where emergent behaviours and dynamic composition must be considered.

The Safe Autonomy workshop will explore a range of topics related to continuous safety assurance of AS including but not limited to:

Dynamic risk management
situational awareness
human machine interaction
uncertainty management
assurance cases
virtual validation
Safety assessment

It invites experts, researchers, and practitioners for presentations and in-depth discussions about assuring autonomy, its relevance for specific use cases, its relation to existing regulatory frameworks and standardization activities, and solutions from systems and software engineering.
Safe Autonomy aims at bringing together communities from diverse disciplines, such as safety engineering, runtime adaptation, predictive modelling, control theory, and from different application domains such as automotive, healthcare, manufacturing, agriculture and critical infrastructures.

Accepted workshop papers will be included in the conference Supplementary Proceedings managed by the Conference Publishing Services (CPS) and submitted to Xplore and the CSDL.

All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. They will be evaluated based on originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the workshop.

All contributions must be electronically submitted through the EasyChair:

he workshop invites submissions in the following categories:
Regular Papers (6 pages 'everything' included, e.g., figures, tables and references) addresses a research gap and demonstrate how the submitted contribution can enhance the state-of-the-art by advancing current knowledge.
Short Position Papers (4 pages 'everything' included, e.g., figures, tables and references) articulate a specific viewpoint or stance on a topic, highlighting its significance and proposing new perspectives or approaches to advance the field.
References are included in the page limit for papers submitted to any category. However, after the paper's acceptance, references will not be included in the page limit to enable authors to better address the reviewers' comments.
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. They will be evaluated based on originality, contribution to the field, technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the workshop.

Submitted papers must be written in English and adhere to the CPS (IEEE) camera-ready two-column format. The submission category must be clearly stated on the first page. Pages must be numbered.

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