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NLP4RE 2025 : 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://nlp4re.github.io/2025/ | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
Call for Papers ---------------- 8th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (NLP4RE 2025) 7th of April, 2025 Co-located with REFSQ 2025, (https://2025.refsq.org/) In Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain ---------------- Important Dates ---------------- Paper Submission: February 7th, 2025 Author notification: February 21st, 2025 Camera Ready: March 7th, 2025 Workshop: April 7th, 2025 ------ Scope ------ Natural language processing (NLP) plays an essential role in several areas of software engineering (SE), and requirements engineering (RE) is no exception. Requirements are generally authored and communicated in textual form and different levels of formality, from structured (e.g., user stories) to unstructured natural language. In the last few years, the advent of massive and heterogeneous sources, such as tweets and app reviews, has attracted even more interest from the RE community, and the recent developments in large language models (LLMs) and generative AI have opened new opportunities for RE. LLMs will likely be the enabling technology for solving long-standing RE problems, such as traceability, classification, and compliance. The main goal of NLP4RE is to represent a community-building venue for researchers who apply NLP technologies to solve RE problems and automatically support RE activities. ------- Topics ------- Specific topics of interest include but are not limited to: -LLMs for RE and vice versa -App Review analysis and classification -Social media mining and analysis for RE -Bug report mining and analysis for RE -Requirements quality assurance and ambiguity -Requirements tracing -Requirements retrieval -Model generation -Test generation -Ethics (e.g., bias, fairness, sustainability) in NLP4RE -Bias/Fairness in NLP4RE -NLP4RE education -Information extraction from legal and policy documents -Information extraction from requirements -Dependency and relation extraction -Domain-specific NLP for RE -Automated requirements management -Multi-modal requirements analysis -Functional / Non-functional requirements categorization -Formalization of informal requirements -Question-answering for RE -Summarization of requirements documents -Speech-to-text and speech analysis in RE -Requirements datasets ---------------------------------------- Submission Types, Process and Formatting ---------------------------------------- Long Papers: 10 pages (plus 2 pages for references). Submissions in this category may present novel technical solutions, evaluations of existing methods, or empirical studies. Empirical evaluations may include experiments, case studies, surveys, user studies, or other qualitative and quantitative analyses. Papers should focus on the application of NLP technologies to problems relevant to requirements engineering. Accepted long papers will be included in the proceedings of the workshop. Short Papers: 5 pages (plus 1 page for references). Submissions in this category can include vision papers, reports on ongoing projects or research group activities, tool papers, as well as new ideas or early-stage research. Short papers should aim to stimulate discussion by presenting emerging concepts or offering insights into innovative approaches related to the application of NLP technologies to requirements Engineering. Accepted short papers will be included in the proceedings of the workshop. Conference-first Papers: 1 page (including references), in which the authors present a paper previously presented at RE, REFSQ or ICSE. The contribution should briefly summarize the content of the original paper. These contributions are oriented to foster dissemination, and will not appear in the proceedings. Format and requirements Submissions should be written in English and submitted in PDF format (page size A4, single column) formatted according to the CEUR Proceedings Style: Overleaf CEURArt Template (please use 1-column style): https://www.overleaf.com/read/gwhxnqcghhdt CEUR Template Download: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip It is required for at least one author of each accepted submission to register, attend the workshop and present their research to the workshop participants. Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nlp4re25 --------------------- Organizing Committee --------------------- -Muhammad Abbas, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Sweden, (muhammad.abbas[at]ri.se) -Fatma Başak Aydemir, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, (f.b.aydemir[at]uu.nl) -Marc Oriol Hilari, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, (marc.oriol[at]upc.edu) Steering Committee: -Sallam Abualhaija, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg -Fabiano Dalpiaz, Utrecht University, The Netherlands -Alessio Ferrari, CNR-ISTI, Italy -Xavier Franch, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain |