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SSTD 2025 : Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases


Conference Series : Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
When Aug 25, 2025 - Aug 27, 2025
Where Osaka, Japan
Abstract Registration Due Apr 27, 2025
Submission Deadline May 4, 2025
Notification Due Jul 1, 2025
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2025
Categories    spatial data   temporal data   database   data management

Call For Papers

19th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Data, 25-27 August 2025, Osaka, Japan


There are four sections in the following:

A. Call for Research / Demo / Industry Track Papers

B. Call for Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track Papers

C. Call for Tutorial Proposals

D. Attractions/Events in Osaka

# A. Call for Research / Demo / Industry Track Papers

Scope: The 19th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Data (SSTD) expands its scope beyond traditional databases to embrace the broader and rapidly evolving landscape of spatial and temporal data. While previous editions focused on foundational database systems and techniques, this year’s symposium welcomes research that addresses the full spectrum of challenges and innovations in managing, analyzing, and leveraging spatial and temporal data. We invite contributions spanning data management, analytics, mining, machine learning, visualization, and real-world applications across diverse domains, reflecting the growing significance of spatial and temporal data in today’s data-driven world. This expanded scope aims to foster interdisciplinary discussions and accommodate emerging trends where spatial and temporal data intersect with cutting-edge technologies.

SSTD 2025 solicits submissions in three tracks.

-Research Track

Authors are invited to submit long and short research papers presenting original contributions. The selection criteria include quality, novelty, correctness, and relevance to SSTD.

The short research papers are expected to discuss exciting new work that is not yet mature enough for a long paper. In particular, novel but significant proposals will be considered for acceptance to this category despite not having gone through extensive experimental validation or lacking a strong theoretical foundation.

-Demo Track

We invite authors to submit demo papers featuring systems that are fully developed or currently under development but reasonably complete and mature. Demonstration proposals will be evaluated based on their novelty, technical innovations, the challenges being addressed, and the overall practical appeal of the showcased system.

-Industry Track

We invite the submission of industry papers that highlight practical applications, address real-world challenges, share original insights and demonstrate the successful translation of research into impactful solutions for businesses and organizations.

## Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following in the context of spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data.

-Spatial Foundations
*Spatial and temporal data models, representations, and standards
*Computational geometry algorithms
*Theoretical frameworks and complexity analysis
*Spatial approximation, sampling, and compression strategies
*Topological, geometric, and semantic relationships

-Spatial Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Analytics
*Foundation models and LLMs for spatial data
*Data warehousing and decision support
*Pattern recognition, clustering, and outlier detection
*Predictive modeling and forecasting
*Integration of deep learning and Geo-AI techniques
*Recommender systems

-Spatial Statistical Analysis
*Spatial autocorrelation and regression models
*Spatial point process analysis
*Geostatistical methods
*Bayesian models
*Analysis of spatial heterogeneity
*Spatio-temporal statistical methods

-Data Management and Storage
*Data types and query languages
*Database design and conceptual modeling
*Storage and retrieval techniques
*Access methods and indexing
*Query processing and optimization
*Distributed and cloud-based architectures
*Stream processing and real-time indexing
*Moving objects applications
*Methods for data integration and harmonization

-Spatial Networks and Graphs
*Transportation and mobility analytics
*Network modeling and route optimization
*Graph-based techniques
*Sensor networks

-Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR)
*Spatially-aware search engines
*Geotagging and geographic text analysis
*Location-based information retrieval
*Integration of spatial and textual data
*Ontologies and taxonomies
*Semantic analysis of geographic entities
*Spatial-keyword search

-Visualization and Interaction
*Novel visualization techniques
*Human-computer interaction
*AR/VR environments and immersive visualizations

-Quality, Uncertainty, Fairness and Privacy
*Data quality assessment and cleaning
*Handling uncertainty and incomplete data
*Privacy-preserving methods
*Data bias, fairness, transparency

-Applications and Emerging Domains
*Location-based services and social networks
*Experiments and performance evaluation
*Smart cities and urban planning
*Public health and emergency management
*IoT-based sensor networks
*Computer vision for spatial data
*Crowdsourcing and user-generated content
*Indoor spaces and mobility
*Spatial quantum modeling
*New hardware platforms

## Submission Instructions

Submissions for the three tracks should be done from the link selecting the appropriate track.

Submissions should be formatted using the double-column ACM SIG Conference Proceedings template found at:

If you use Overleaf, you can access the ACM official template found at: This template requires switching the document class from "manuscript" to "sigconf" to ensure the required double-column format.

Submissions cannot have been or be submitted to another venue while being reviewed at SSTD and must have significant new content compared to previous publications.

Long research papers and industry papers are limited to 10 pages. Short research papers and demo papers are limited to 4 pages. These page limits exclude the references.

The review process is single-blind: the reviewers are not identified, while author names are listed in the submission.

The fair use of AI tools is permitted and must comply with the ACM policies regarding AI tools in authorship and the peer-reviewing process. For more information, please see: and

## Important Dates

Abstract submission (all tracks): April 27, 2025
Paper submission deadline (all tracks): May 4, 2025
Notification date: July 1, 2025
Camera-ready: July 15, 2025

All deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.

# B. Call for Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track Papers

We are pleased to announce the first edition of the Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track. This new track offers a unique opportunity for Ph.D. candidates to share their research with the SSTD community. Early-stage Ph.D. students can present their preliminary studies, receive feedback, and explore new research opportunities. For later-stage Ph.D. students, this track offers an opportunity to present their recent results and share their work with the community. Submissions will be evaluated based on the research stage: papers from early-stage students will be assessed on the originality and potential impact of their research directions, while papers from later-stage students will be evaluated primarily on their results and overall contributions to the field.

## Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following in the context of spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data.

-Spatial Foundations
-Spatial Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Analytics
-Spatial Statistical Analysis
-Data Management and Storage
-Spatial Networks and Graphs
-Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR)
-Visualization and Interaction
-Quality, Uncertainty, Fairness, and Privacy
-Applications and Emerging Domains

## Important Dates

Paper submission deadline (Thesis and Dissertation Workshop Track): May 18, 2025
Notification date: July 1, 2025
Camera-ready: July 15, 2025

All deadlines refer to 23:59 in the AoE (Anywhere on Earth) time zone.

## Submission Guidelines

Papers are limited to 4 pages, including the references. Submissions for the track should be made using the link choosing the SSTD2025 Theses and Dissertations workshop track.

Submissions should be formatted using the double-column ACM SIG Conference Proceedings template found at:

If you use Overleaf, you can access the ACM official template found at: This template requires switching the document class from "manuscript" to "sigconf" to ensure the required double-column format.

Submissions cannot have been or be submitted to another venue while being reviewed at SSTD and must have significant new content compared to previous publications.

The review process is single-blind: the reviewers are not identified, while author names are listed in the submission.

The fair use of AI tools is permitted and must comply with the ACM policies regarding AI tools in authorship and the peer-reviewing process. For more information, please see: and

# C. Call for Tutorial Proposals

We invite proposals for tutorials of general interest to the spatio-temporal data management/database/mining research and development community. Topics relevant to the SSTD conference are encouraged, with particular emphasis on emerging research areas or well-established fields that remain highly relevant. We welcome proposals that offer a comprehensive and insightful overview of the chosen topic, covering related literature. While presenters are welcome to highlight exemplary works, the tutorial should not focus exclusively on the presenters' own contributions.

Proposals must specify the intended length of the tutorial (up to 1.5 hours). If proposing multiple topics or a broader scope, please ensure the content is suitable for the 1.5-hour format. Additionally, proposals should indicate any previous venues where all or part of the tutorial has been presented and describe how this version differs from past iterations. The proposal should also define the target audience, outline the expected prerequisite knowledge, and explain the anticipated benefits for participants.

## Important Dates

Important dates are listed as follows:

- Tutorial submission due: May 4, 2025 (Sunday)
- Notification of acceptance: June 4, 2025 (Wednesday)
- Camera-ready copy due: TBD

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

## Submission Guidelines

Tutorial proposals should be submitted via email to all two chairs (see contact details below). Submissions should be at most 4 (four) pages, excluding references, with the [same format]( as SSTD2025 research papers.

Each submission should include the following information:

### Tutorial Title

- Tutorial Presenters: Name, affiliation, email, postal address, phone number, and a brief bio highlighting the presenters' expertise in the tutorial domain.
- Length: Specify the proposed length (up to 1.5 hours). Please ensure the content fits within the maximum duration.

### Abstract

- Scope and Depth: Provide a detailed outline of the topics to be covered, including their scope and depth. If available, include a URL to previous slides or materials for evaluation purposes.
- Hands-on Tutorial: Indicate whether the tutorial will include hands-on components. Specify any required operating systems, software, tools, or equipment that attendees need to bring.
- Target Audience: Describe the intended audience, the expected prerequisites, the relevance of the tutorial to SSTD, and the anticipated benefits for participants.
- Prior Offerings: If any part of the tutorial has been presented previously, provide details such as the event dates, locations, and URLs to associated slides or notes. Highlight how this proposal differs from previous versions.
- References: A list of primary references that will be covered during the tutorial.

## Tutorial Chairs

Xue Hao, \(, University of New South Wales

Yuxuan Liang, \(, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

# D. Attractions/Events in Osaka

## Expo 2025

A World Expo is an event that brings together people and innovations from around the world in an effort to address issues facing humankind on a global scale. The Osaka Expo 1970, the first World Expo held in Japan and Asia, became a symbol of Japan's rapid economic growth and remains one of the country's most significant events. Twenty years after the Aichi Expo 2005, Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai will welcome the international community back to Japan.

*Schedule: April 13 to October 13, 2025 (184 days, including SSTD 2025 period: August 25-27)
*Venue: Yumeshima, Osaka (30-min by Osaka Metro from the SSTD 2025 venue)

## Osaka Castle Park

Osaka Castle stands as one of Japan's most iconic landmarks, playing a crucial role in the country's unification during the sixteenth century. The castle museum showcases the history of both the castle and the city through exhibits of historical artifacts, including samurai armor, weapons, and important documents. Visitors can enjoy panoramic city views from the castle tower, while the surrounding park is particularly famous for its cherry blossoms in spring.

*Access: 20-min from the Nakanoshima Station (5-min by Osaka Metro plus 15-min walk)

## Dotonbori District

Dotonbori represents Osaka's most popular entertainment district and culinary destination. This energetic area is renowned for its spectacular neon signs, iconic 3D signage (including the famous Glico Running Man), and an abundance of restaurants serving authentic Osaka cuisine. Visitors should try local specialties such as takoyaki (octopus dumplings), okonomiyaki (savory pancakes), and kushikatsu (breaded and deep-fried skewers).

*Access: 30-min from the Nakanoshima Station (15-min by Osaka Metro plus 15-min walk)

## Nakanoshima Island

The SSTD 2025 venue, Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, is located on Nakanoshima Island, a sophisticated district in central Osaka—just 5 minutes by metro or a pleasant 15-minute walk from Osaka Station. This unique island, formed by the Dojima and Tosabori rivers, serves as Osaka's cultural and business center, where historic architecture harmoniously coexists with modern museums, galleries, and office towers.

*City Central Public Hall. A magnificent Neo-Renaissance building from 1918 (20-min walk)

*Nakanoshima Museum of Art. Contemporary art exhibitions in an architecturally striking underground building (3-min walk, next to the conference venue)

*The National Museum of Art, Osaka (NMAO). Modern and contemporary art museum (4-min walk, next to the conference venue)

*Museum of Oriental Ceramics. World-renowned collection of Asian ceramics and pottery (3-min by Osaka Metro)

*Osaka Science Museum. Interactive science exhibits and planetarium (4-min walk, next to the conference venue)

*Nakanoshima Park. Riverside green space featuring seasonal rose gardens and walking paths (3-min walk)

*River Cruise. Evening cruises offering unique perspectives of Osaka's waterfront cityscape

## Day Trips to Kyoto and Nara

Kyoto and Nara, Japan's ancient capitals, are perfect for day trips from Osaka:

Access: 30 to 45-min by train from Osaka Station
Iconic temples and shrines including the Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku-ji)
Historic Gion district with preserved traditional architecture and geiko (geisha) culture
Arashiyama area featuring bamboo groves and monkey park
Fushimi Inari Shrine's tunnel of thousands of vermillion torii gates

Access: 45-min by train from Osaka Station
Todaiji Temple, housing Japan's largest bronze Buddha statue
Nara Park, home to hundreds of free-roaming deer considered sacred messengers
UNESCO World Heritage sites including ancient temples and shrines
Traditional Japanese gardens and historic architecture

Related Resources

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